Showing posts with label refund. Show all posts
Showing posts with label refund. Show all posts

Sunday, January 19, 2025

Is This Reasonable?


I have long maintained that the IRS is unreasonable by repeatedly disallowing reasonable cause exception to its numerous penalties. Their standard appears to allow little to no room for real-world variables – someone got sick, someone misunderstood the requirements (wow, how could that happen?), technology broke down, and so on.

Mind you, I say this after contacting the IRS – AGAIN – about returns we filed for two clients. In each case the IRS has misplaced the returns, failing its mission, causing needless (and incorrect) notices, and embarrassing us as practitioners. One of these returns will soon celebrate its one-year anniversary. The IRS has had plenty of time to investigate and resolve the matter. I have, and I am just one guy.

However, have a practitioner send a tax return two minutes after midnight on an extended due date and the IRS will penalize his/her tax practice to near bankruptcy. It may be that there was no electricity in the office until that very moment. No matter: there is no reasonable cause for things not functioning perfectly every time every place all the time.

The hypocrisy is almost suffocating. Let’s make the relationship reciprocal – for example, let me send the IRS an invoice for wasting my time – and see how quickly the IRS recoils in terror.

Let’s talk about RSBCO’s recent shout-out to the Supreme Court.

RSBCO was a wealth management company headquartered in Louisiana. It hired someone (let’s call him Smith) with a background in accounting to spearhead its IRS information reporting.

Smith took RSBCO successfully through one filing season.

Unbeknownst to anyone, however, Smith was fighting some dark demons, and the second filing season did not go as well.

Smith unfortunately waited until the final day to electronically file approximately 20,000 information returns using the IRS FIRE system. FIRE sent an automated e-mail that certain files had errors preventing them from being processed and RSBCO should send replacement files. The e-mail went only to Smith, so no one else at RSBCO knew.

Smith – approximately four months later – was able to resume work. He had been diagnosed with clinical depression, having suicidal ideation, and struggling to focus and complete tasks at work.

COMMENT: I am thinking Reg 301.6724-1(c):

(c) Events beyond the filer's control

(1) In general. In order to establish reasonable cause under this paragraph (c)(1), the filer must satisfy paragraph (d) of this section and must show that the failure was due to events beyond the filer's control. Events which are generally considered beyond the filer's control include but are not limited to—

(iv) Certain actions of an agent (as described in paragraph (c)(5) of this section),

Smith saw the e-mails. He corrected the information returns.

QUESTION: What were the errors about? About dashes, that’s what. The IRS wanted dashes added or removed. Approximately 99% of the problem was little more than a spelling bee.

Smith had a successful third filing season.

Except for the $579,198 penalty notice the IRS sent for the information returns from season two.

COMMENT: Methinks that is a bit harsh for not winning a spelling bee.

Smith was still battling his health issues. He hid the penalty notice in his desk.

A few months later RSBCO let Smith go.

The new hire soon found the notice and tried to contact the IRS. The contact number provided was entirely automated, so the hire could never speak with a human being.

COMMENT: Been there, pal.

The IRS – thinking they had been ignored – sent a Final Notice. RSBCO requested a Due Process Hearing.

The Hearing Officer for the CDP hearing mostly waived off RSBCO’s side of the story. After a Solomonic 15-minute reflection, the Officer did offer to abate 25% of the penalty amount.

COMMENT: It’s something.

RSBCO had to decide how to proceed. They decided to pay the IRS $579 grand and pursue the refund administratively.

In December 2018 RSBCO filed a Claim for Refund.

The IRS received it. And then lost it.

Uh huh.

In August 2019 RSBCO filed a lawsuit.

In June 2020 – after irritating the court – the IRS promised RSBCO that it would play fair if they refiled the claim.

RSBCO agreed and withdrew the lawsuit.

In September it filed its Claim for Refund … again.

And the IRS lost it … again.

COMMENT: You see what is going on here, don’t you?

In May 2021 RSBCO filed a second lawsuit in district court.

In September 2022, the jury decided that RSBCO had reasonable cause for penalty abatement.

COMMENT: Will this ever end?

The IRS processed the refund … wait … no, no … that’s wrong. The IRS appealed the district court decision to the Fifth Circuit.

The Fifth Circuit found that jury instructions were flawed. The district court stated that an employee’s mental health - by itself - did not give rise to reasonable cause. The jury was not properly instructed.

QUESTION: I guess the following by the district court judge was unclear to the IRS, which DID NOT object:

Anything else? Anybody want to put your objection [to jury charges] on the record if you’d like objecting to them?”

COMMENT: I can see the confusion. Making out this question is like trying to plumb the metaphysics of James Joyce’s Ulysses. No wonder the IRS failed to object.

In October 2023 RSBCO petitioned the Supreme Court.

Which just declined the petition.

Meaning the Fifth Circuit has the final word.

The Fifth Circuit wants a new trial.

Will this nightmare ever end?

It is … unreasonable.

Our case this time was RSBCO v U.S., US Supreme Court Docket 24-561.

Saturday, December 28, 2024

The Old Three And Two


You will recognize the issue.

During 2017 Mary deNourie worked at a retail store. She had wages of $11,516 and social security of $7,559. She and her husband did not file an income tax return because the withholding was enough to cover any tax due.

In 2021 the IRS contacted them about not filing a 2017 tax return. The IRS was preparing a substitute for return showing the wages and social security as well as partnership income of $25,065. When you throw the partnership into the mix, they now owed tax of $4,192, plus interest and penalties.

What partnership income, they exclaimed? The partnership had not paid them anything.

COMMENT: That is not the way partnerships are taxed. For example, a 10% partner will generally be taxable on 10% of the partnership’s taxable income. This amount is reported to a partner on Schedule K-1, a copy of which goes to the IRS. Whether the partner has received cash to go with that K-1 does not matter to the IRS. That is a matter for the partner to take up with the partnership.

I then see a court order in April 2023 releasing the husband from the matter.

That is unusual. What happened?

The IRS had not sent out a Notice of Deficiency – the 90-day letter – to the husband. This is a no-no. The IRS also has rules and procedures, and each spouse (on a joint return) must receive his or her own Notice of Deficiency. Mary received hers. He did not.

Now Mary was on her own.

Coincidentally, the partnership income went away.

COMMENT: It appears the husband owned the partnership.

We are back to Mary’s W-2 and social security.

Mary and the IRS worked on an agreement. There was no tax due for 2017. In fact, there was an overpayment of $284.

Mary wanted the $284.

Can’t blame her.

The IRS said no.

Mary in response refused to sign the agreement.

In March 2024 Mary filed a tax return for 2017. She wanted her refund.

What do you think: will Mary receive that refund?

Here is the relevant law:

Sec. 6511 Limitations on credit or refund

Period of limitation on filing claim. Claim for credit or refund of an overpayment of any tax imposed by this title in respect of which tax the taxpayer is required to file a return shall be filed by the taxpayer within 3 years from the time the return was filed or 2 years from the time the tax was paid, whichever of such periods expires the later, or if no return was filed by the taxpayer, within 2 years from the time the tax was paid. Claim for credit or refund of an overpayment of any tax imposed by this title which is required to be paid by means of a stamp shall be filed by the taxpayer within 3 years from the time the tax was paid.

Right or wrong, there is a limit on how long you can wait to file for a refund. If you file a return, for example, you have three years to amend for a refund.

There is a riff on the above rule if you file now and pay later. The Code will then permit a refund until 2 years after the tax is paid if that date is after the three-year date.

Notice what this three-and-two have in common:

          You filed a return.

If you do not file a return, the rule gets grimmer:

          You have until 2 years after the tax was paid.

If you file, you start with three and might move to two – and only if two allows for more time.

Don’t file and you have two – period. You have no choice.

Let’s see what Mary did:

·       Mary’s 2017 tax return was due April 15, 2018.

·       She did not file, so the mandatory two-year rule applies.

·       There is still hope, though. If she files within three years – by April 15, 2021 – she can flip the mandatory two back to the normal three-and-two.

o   She filed 2017 in March 2024.

Nope. Too late all around.

Mary had no tax due for 2017, but she likewise had no refund for 2017.

My thought? If you have withholding, consider filing even if there is no tax due. Why? Because withholding represents tax paid, and not filing triggers the mandatory two-year rule. By filing you move to the three-and-two rule. It may save you; it may not, but it provides more breathing room than the alternative.

Today we discussed Mary deNourie v Commissioner, U.S. Tax Court, docket 18182-22.

Monday, December 16, 2024

An Accounting Firm Gets Sued

I just saw that Baker Tilly has acquired Seiler LLP, a CPA firm located in San Francisco and practicing for well over half a century.

There is nothing unusual here. Many older CPAs are looking to retire. In some cases, the firm may have planned for transition and brought in, developed, and retained a pipeline of ownership-interested younger CPAs.  The older CPAs retire, the younger CPAs step up and the firm continues.

In other cases, there is no such pipeline, and the older CPA’s exit plan is a sale to another firm.

The matter caught my eye because a client is suing Seiler for negligence. The matter is still in court. I thought the grounds for negligence was … different.

It is not our usual brew of java, but let’s talk about it.

It starts with a married couple: Eric Freidenrich and Amy Macartney. They hired Seiler to prepare their 2019 joint tax return. The return was filed in December 2020.

COMMENT: You may be thinking that the return was filed late (that is, after October 15) and penalties and interest would be due. That is not true here, as the return showed an overpayment of almost $450 grand. There normally will be no interest and penalties on refund-due returns, as penalties and refunds normally apply only when balances are due the IRS. The risk to a refund return is waiting too long to file a return. Remember, the statute of limitations on filing is three years. Wait past those three years and you will lose your refund.

For some reason, Eric and Amy did not use a home address on their return. They instead used their financial advisor’s address, a practice they had followed for years.

Now, a couple of things happened after 2019 and during 2020 before Seiler filed the return:

·       Eric and Amy divorced.

·       The financial advisor moved.

On first blush, I would be concerned about the divorce. A CPA (or his/her firm) should think long and hard about representing a divorcing couple. The reason is simple: which one of the two is the client? Representing both can create a conflict of interest, and a CPA is supposed to maintain independence and avoid such conflicts. Failure to do so can result in a hearing before a State Board of Accountancy.

The refund arrived in April 2022.

The two had signed their separation agreement in June 2021.

The separation agreement included language that Eric would be responsible for additional taxes due during the term of marriage, but - to be fair - he would also be entitled to any refunds.

Amy did not know that the IRS refund got held up. The couple’s routine was to deposit in the couple’s Fidelity account, and the separation agreement had Amy receiving 60% of the Fidelity account.

The refund was almost $450 grand, and 60% of that – approximately $270 grand – would have gone to Amy.

She was not amused.

I would not be either.

She sued Seiler for negligence.

Notice that she did not sue her ex-husband.

Where is the negligence?

Seiler – as a firm – knew that that advisor had moved. It should have used the new address.

Did the tax team – a subset of Seiler – also know that the advisor had moved? Information moves well enough in a CPA firm, but it would be false to say that it moves flawlessly. It is possible that the tax department did not know, but Amy is suing Seiler, not the tax department.

Seiler (or rather, their attorney) tried to get the motion dismissed.

And there is a quick lesson here about torts. Torts are civil law. Think of torts as suing someone. You bring suit, not the government. It is conduct between private parties.

The idea behind a tort is to restore the injured party (as much as possible in the circumstance) to where he/she would have been had the other party not acted or failed to act. A goal of tort law is to see the world as it could have been, not as the world is now.

Well, under that description Amy would have received 60% of the IRS refund. Seiler injured her. Her ex did not injure her, as he stated in the divorce decree that he would keep any tax refunds relating to the marriage term.

The Court therefore saw reason for tort action and would not grant summary motion for dismissal.

What does this mean? It means that the Court will hear the case against Seiler for negligence.

As a tax CPA, it bothers me that I could get my firm sued for something I did not even know. That said, I get it. The firm knew. However, Eric and Amy saw the address on the return. Their attorneys would also have seen the address. Do we know if the financial advisor timely filed a change of address with the IRS? Seiler might not be the only party with some measure of fault. 

Monday, October 28, 2024

Filing A Zero-Income Tax Return

Here’s a question:

Would you file a tax return if you have no income – or minimal income - to report?

I would if there was a refund.

I also lean to filing if one has a history of tax filings.

The former is obvious, unless the incremental cost of filing the return is more than the refund.

The latter is because of my skepticism. I do not want a letter from the IRS stating they have not received a tax return for name-a-year. Granted, the issue should be easily resolved, but I have lost track of how many should-be’s have turned out to not-be.

Another reason is a rerun of Congress’ decision to automatically send advance payments back in 2021 – specifically, the child tax credit.       

You were ahead of the game by having filed a prior year return.

Ruben Varela filed a 1040EZ for 2017. It showed a refund of $1,373.


Ruben attached four Forms 4852 Substitute for Form W-2.

This form is used when an employer fails to send a W-2, among other situations. It happens and I see one every few years. But four …? That is odd.

The 4852’s that Ruben prepared showed zero wages.

And the $1,373 included Social Security and Medicare taxes., taxes which are not refundable.

Ruben, stop that yesterday. This is common tax protestor nonsense.

Let’s read on. There was third party reporting (think computer matching) for wages of $11,311 and cancellation of indebtedness income of $1,436.

Not surprisingly, the IRS considered it a protest filing and assessed a Section 6702(a) penalty.

§ 6702 Frivolous tax submissions.

(a)  Civil penalty for frivolous tax returns.

A person shall pay a penalty of $5,000 if-

(1)  such person files what purports to be a return of a tax imposed by this title but which-

(A)  does not contain information on which the substantial correctness of the self-assessment may be judged, or

(B)  contains information that on its face indicates that the self-assessment is substantially incorrect, and

(2)  the conduct referred to in paragraph (1) -

(A)  is based on a position which the Secretary has identified as frivolous under subsection (c) , or

(B)  reflects a desire to delay or impede the administration of Federal tax laws. 

That caught Ruben’s attention, and he disputed the penalty. On to Tax Court they went.

How can I owe a penalty if there was NO TAX, argued Ruben.

On first impression, it seems a reasonable argument.

But this is tax. Let’s look at that Code section again. 

              Such person files ….                                                      OK

              What purports to be a tax return …                                OK

      Does not contain information on

   which the substantial correctness …                             ?


Let’s talk about this last one. The Tax Court has a history of characterizing “zero” W-2s as both substantially incorrect and not containing sufficient information allowing one to judge the self-assessment of tax.

We have a third “OK.”

Back to Section 6702.

Is there any reference in Section 6702 to whether the return did or did not show tax due?

I am not seeing it.

The Court did not see it either.

They upheld the Section 6702 penalty.

The IRS wanted more, of course. They also wanted the Section 6673 penalty.

§ 6673 Sanctions and costs awarded by court

This penalty can be imposed when somebody clogs the Court in order to impede tax administration. The penalty can be harsh.

How harsh?

Up to $25 grand of fresh-brewed harsh.

The Court noted they had not seen Ruben Varela before nor was it aware of him previously pursuing similar arguments. They declined to impose the Section 6673 penalty, but …

We caution petitioner that a penalty may be imposed in future cases before this Court should he continue to pursue these misguided positions.”

The Court was warning him in the strongest legalese it could muster.

Our case this time was Ruben Varela v Commissioner, T.C. Memo 2024-92.


Monday, July 8, 2024

An Erroneous Tax Refund Check In The Mail


Let’s start with the Code section:

§ 6532 Periods of limitation on suits.

(b)  Suits by United States for recovery of erroneous refunds.


Recovery of an erroneous refund by suit under section 7405 shall be allowed only if such suit is begun within 2 years after the making of such refund, except that such suit may be brought at any time within 5 years from the making of the refund if it appears that any part of the refund was induced by fraud or misrepresentation of a material fact.


I have not lost sleep trying to understand that sentence.

But someone has.

Let’s introduce Jeffrey Page. He filed a 2016 tax return showing a $3,463 refund. In early May 2017, he received a refund check of $491,104. We are told that the IRS made a clerical error.

COMMENT: Stay tuned for more observations from Captain Obvious.

Page held the check for almost a year, finally cashing it on April 5, 2018.

The IRS – having seen the check cash – wanted the excess refund repaid.

Page wanted to enjoy the spoils.

Enter back and forth. Eventually Page returned $210,000 and kept the rest.

On March 31, 2020, Treasury sued Page in district court.

Page blew it off.

Treasury saw an easy victory and asked the district court for default judgement.

The court said no.


The court started with March 31, 2020. It subtracted two years to arrive at March 31, 2018. The court said that it did not know when Page received the check, but it most likely was before that date. If so, more than two years had passed, and Treasury could not pass Section 6532(b). They would not grant default. Treasury would have to prove its case.

Treasury argued that it was not the check issuance date being tested but rather the check clearance date. If one used the clearance date, the suit was timely.

The district court was having none of that. It pointed to precedence – from the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals - and dismissed the case.

The government appealed.

To the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals, ironically.

The Ninth wanted to know when a refund was “made.”

within 2 years after the making of such refund …”

Is this when the refund is allowed or permitted or is it when the check clears or funds otherwise change hands?

The Ninth reasoned that merely holding the check does not rise to the threshold of “making” a refund.

Why, we ask?

Because Treasury could cancel the check.

OK. Score one for the government.

The Ninth further reasoned that the statute of limitations cannot start until the government is able to sue.

Why, we again ask?

Had Page shredded the check, could the government sue for nearly half a million dollars? Of course not. Well then, that indicates that a refund was not “made” when Page merely received a check.

Score two for the government.

The Ninth continued its reasoning, but we will fast forward to the conclusion:

… we hold that a refund is made when the check clears the Federal Reserve.”

Under that analysis, Treasury was timely in bring suit. The Ninth reversed the district court decision and remanded the case for further proceedings.

What do I think?

I see common sense, although I admit the Ninth has many times previously eluded common sense. Decide otherwise, however, and Treasury could be negatively impacted by factors as uncontrollable as poor mail delivery.

Or by Page’s curious delay in depositing the check.

Then again, maybe a non-professional was researching the matter, and it took a while to navigate to Section 6532 and its two years.

Our case this time was U.S. v Page, No 21-17083 (9th Cir. June 26, 2024).

Monday, June 10, 2024

Losing A Refund: Revisiting The Statute(s) of Limitations


I am thinking she got hosed.

I am looking at a district court decision. It involves Michelle Moy, and it remarkably bridges 2011 to the 2020 COVID year.

Let’s talk about it.

In May 2011 Moy was assessed $32,507 by the IRS because she failed to file a 2008 tax return. In this situation, the IRS may prepare a return for you (called a substitute for return) and proceed accordingly with collections activity.

COMMENT: It is rare that a substitute for return (SFR) will be to your advantage. The IRS will throw in all the positive numbers it can find, but it will not include negative numbers with the same zeal. It is almost always to your advantage to file a return rather than accept an SFR.

QUESTION: Here is an obscure practice question: when you file the 2008 return with an SFR already on file, is it considered an amended return? The answer is below.

Turns out that Moy had $20,447 in 2008 U.K. foreign taxes available for credit. Assuming that the foreign tax credit was available dollar-for-dollar, Moy owed $12 grand rather than the $32 grand the IRS wanted.

Seems easy enough. File the return. Pay the $12 grand plus interest and penalties and move on.

It appears Moy instead paid the $32 grand. She did not realize and overpaid.

I say that because she filed a claim for refund in April 2018. I presume the claim was for the $20 grand of foreign taxes.

In August 2018, the IRS bounced the claim as being outside the statute of limitations.

COMMENT: The statute for a refund claim is generally the latter of (a) three years from assessment date or (b) two years from the date of payment. Assessment here was in 2011, so the first period would have expired in 2014. Assuming she paid the $32 grand before April 2016, the second period would have also expired before she filed in April 2018.

Moy filed a protest with Appeals.

Appeals stalled, responding three times (in December 2019, February 2020, and March 2020), each time asking for another 60 days.

I think we all remember what happened in March 2020, so I withhold blame.

The IRS dismissed her appeal in January 2021, arguing that the statute of limitations for refund had expired.

In June 2023, Moy filed a lawsuit against the United States.

Confused yet?

Let’s sort this out.

What is happening is that there are two statutes of limitations coming into play here. In fact, it would be more accurate to say two and a half.

The first is the standard 3 years/2 years. This is the statute for filing a refund claim. In this context, Moy filing a 2008 return showing that foreign tax credit counts as a refund claim.

NOTE: In answer to our question above, Moy would file an original – not a an amended – 2008 return. The SFR is not considered a return for this purpose, so the first filing by the taxpayer would be considered the original filing.

Mind you, her 2008 filing was likely outside the 3/2 combo, so how did Moy argue that the statute for refund was still open?

Look at this pearl:

        § 6511 Limitations on credit or refund.

(d)  Special rules applicable to income taxes.

(3)  Special rules relating to foreign tax credit.

(A)  Special period of limitation with respect to foreign taxes paid or accrued. If the claim for credit or refund relates to an overpayment attributable to any taxes paid or accrued to any foreign country or to any possession of the United States for which credit is allowed against the tax imposed by subtitle A in accordance with the provisions of section 901 or the provisions of any treaty to which the United States is a party, in lieu of the 3-year period of limitation prescribed in subsection (a) , the period shall be 10 years from the date prescribed by law for filing the return for the year in which such taxes were actually paid or accrued.


Yep, the foreign tax credit gets its own 10 year statute of limitations. Let’s see, the 2008 return was due April 2009. Add ten years and we get April 2019. She filed a refund claim in April 2018. She appears to be within the statute period for filing a refund claim.

So why did the Court say she was out of statute?

There is one more statute of limitations to consider.

        § 6532 Periods of limitation on suits.

(a)  Suits by taxpayers for refund.

(1)  General rule.

No suit or proceeding under section 7422(a) for the recovery of any internal revenue tax, penalty, or other sum, shall be begun before the expiration of 6 months from the date of filing the claim required under such section unless the Secretary renders a decision thereon within that time, nor after the expiration of 2 years from the date of mailing by certified mail or registered mail by the Secretary to the taxpayer of a notice of the disallowance of the part of the claim to which the suit or proceeding relates.

 What does this mishmash mean?

This statute applies to the IRS and authorizes the IRS to pay a refund up to two years after disallowing a claim for refund.

When did the IRS disallow Moy’s refund claim?

In August 2018.

Add two years and you have August 2020.

When did Moy file suit?

In 2023.

The IRS is prohibited from issuing a refund.

To recap, the familiar 3/2 statute of limitations applies to a taxpayer filing a refund claim.

The second statute (2 years, no more, no less) applies to the IRS paying the refund claim.

Moy cleared the first.

She did not clear the second.    

Are there administrative options?

None that excites me.

Could she have done something differently?

While a long shot, she could have asked to extend the refund statute. The difficulty is that both sides must sign, and it can be difficult to find someone at the IRS with authority to sign.

Realistically, her best option was filing a refund suit with the district court or U.S. Court of Claims. I would much rather go to Tax Court – as that court has procedures for pro se taxpayers – but the Tax Court does not accept refund suits. You must owe the IRS to get your ticket punched on the Tax Court Express.

Moy was hosed. She went into COVID with a two year window to get her refund. Little could she anticipate IRS employees being sent home - meaning no access to correspondence mailed to IRS addresses, unprocessed returns and mail accumulating in trailers, the later shredding of such returns and mail, and the agency becoming near unreachable for extended periods “due to a high volume of calls.”

And those IRS letters asking for “another 60 days”?

You would have to get a court to allow equitable tolling. Notice that the IRS did not do so on its own power. They were quick to ask for another six months while processing Moy’s appeal, but they did not toll a single minute on the Section 6532 limitation on her refund.

Looking back, IRS Appeals should have included Form 907 with any refund claims assigned during the COVID era. Unfortunately, the IRS still has no policy or practice of doing this, so any responsibility for this tax obscurity falls fully on the taxpayer (and his/her tax representative). 

Our case this time was Moy v United States, Case No 23-cv-03151-PP (Northern District of California 2024).

Tuesday, February 13, 2024

Not Quite The Informal Claim Doctrine


I am looking at a district court opinion from Illinois.

I find the discussion of the numbers a bit confusing. It happens sometimes.

But there something here we should talk about.

We have recently discussed the tax concept of a “claim.” In normal-person-speak, it means you want the government to refund your money. The classic claim is an amended income tax return, but there can be claims for other-than-income taxes. It is its own niche, as using the wrong form can result in having your claim rejected.

Let’s look at the American Guardian Holdings case.

AGH filed its 2015 tax return on September 19, 2016.

Here are the numbers on the original tax return:     




Taxable income




 The accountant found an error and amended the return on June 6, 2019.









Taxable income










Let me see: The 2015 return would have been extended to October 15, 2016. The amended return was prepared June 6, 2019. Yep, we are within the statute of limitations.

Problem: AGH never sent the amended return.

Answer: AGH hired a new accountant.

The new accountant filed an amended return on September 19, 2019.

COMMENT: Still a few days left on the statute.

For some reason, the accountant incorporated the first amended (even though it had not been filed) into the second amended, resulting in the following hodgepodge:












Taxable income













Total refund


Huh? I would find that second amended confusing. On first impression it appears that AGH is filing a claim for $148,243, but that is incorrect. AGH was stacking the second amended on top of its first. AGH is filing a claim for $1,327,806, which is the entire tax on the original return.

Not surprisingly, the IRS also responded with “huh?” It could not process the second amended return because the “Original” numbers did not match its records.

AGH responded by filing yet another amended return (third amended). Mind you, at this point it was after October 15, 2019, and the statute of limitations was in the rear view mirror.

AGH did the following:

(1)  AGH explained that the new and shiny (third) amended return incorporated the previously (non-filed) first amended return and the second (actually filed) amended return. As a consequence, the “previously-filed amended return for 2015 should be discarded.”


(2)  AGH further explained that it was filing Form 1120-PC (a specialized tax form for property and casualty insurance companies) as its third amended return rather than the Form 1120 originally filed because it had received permission to change its method of accounting.


I am somewhat shocked at how deep a hole AGH had dug, and more shocked that it kept digging.

Let’s go through the wreckage:

(1)  AGH filed its (second) amended return/claim within the statute of limitations.

(2)  This creates an issue if the claim is imperfect, as one would be perfecting the claim AFTER the statute expires. Fortunately, there is a way (called the informal claim doctrine) that allows one to perfect a claim after the original filing date and still retain the benefit of that original date. 

(3)  The IRS immediately seized on the “previously-filed amended return for 2015 should be discarded” statement to argue that AGH had violated the informal claim doctrine.  If the second amended return was discarded, there was no timely-filed return to which the informal claim doctrine could attach. Fortunately, the Court decided that the use of the word “discard” did not actually mean what it sounded like. AGH dodged a bullet, but it should never have fired.

(4)  That leaves the third amended return, which was filed after the statute expired. AGH of course argued informal claim, but it had committed a fatal act by changing its method of accounting. You see, the informal claim allows one to clarify, document and explain whatever issue is vague or in dispute within the claim at issue. What one is not allowed to do is to change the facts. AGH had changed the facts by changing its method of accounting, meaning its third amended return could not be linked to the second via the informal claim doctrine.

(5)  Standing on its own, the third amended of course failed as it was filed after the statute had expired.    

This case is a nightmare. I am curious whether there was a CPA or law firm involved; if so, a malpractice suit is almost a given. If the work was done in-house, then … AGH needs to tighten up its hiring standards. The case reads like there were no adults in the room.

All is not lost for AGH, however.

Remember that AGH filed its second amended return within the statute of limitations.  The matter then went off the rails and the Court booted the third amended return.

But that leaves the second amended. Can AGH resuscitate it, as technically the Court dismissed the third claim but not necessarily the second?  It would likely require additional litigation and associated legal fees, and I would expect the IRS to fight tooth and nail. AGH would have to weigh the cost-benefit.

Our case this time was American Guardian Holdings, Inc v United States of America, No. 1:2023cv 01482, Northern District of Illinois.