Sunday, September 25, 2022

An Intelligence Site, A Tax Treaty, and a Closing Agreement

I am looking at a case involving IRS closing agreements and the U.S. Pine Gap facility in Australia.

It gives us a chance to talk about closing agreements, an uncommon topic.

It also gives a chance to talk about Pine Gap, which is a U.S. Intelligence-gathering facility in the Northern Territory of Australia. It started decades ago as a monitoring station for Soviet ballistic testing, and with the years it has acquired several new roles. Think of drone attacks in Pakistan, and you have an idea of what happens at Pine Gap.

FIRST ACT: we have a spooky intelligence site.

Let’s move on to a treaty.

Under general tax rules, Australia would be able to tax American workers at Pine Gap. They are - after all – working in Australia. This was not the desired result, so a treaty in the 1960s exempted American workers at Pine Gap from Australian tax. There was a requisite, though: to be exempt, the wages had to be taxed by the U.S.

Got it. There was a one-bite-at-the-apple rule. Australia would back off if the U.S. got the first bite.

But U.S. tax law also includes a foreign earned income exclusion, whereby an American worker overseas could exempt some (or all) of his/her wages from tax, if certain requirements were met.  

How could Australia be sure that the wages were being taxed by the U.S.? Mind you, the alternative was for Australia to apply the default rule, meaning that both Australia and the U.S. would tax the wages. Sure, the worker could claim a foreign tax credit on his/her U.S. tax return, but the tax consequences of working at Pine Gap would have escalated unappealingly.  

The treaty was revised in the 1980s to allow American workers at Pine Gap to relinquish their foreign earned income exclusion by entering into a closing agreement with the IRS.

SECOND ACT: we have an income tax treaty.

Cory was a U.S. Air Force veteran and engineer. In 2009 he received a job offer from Raytheon to work at Pine Gap. He was informed that Australia would not tax him, but to get there he would have to sign a closing agreement with the IRS. The agreement was straightforward: he would not claim the foreign earned income exclusion.

Mind you, he did not have to sign a closing agreement. Australia would then tax him, and his U.S. return would get a little more complicated.

Cory signed the agreement.

The point behind a closing agreement is finality. Both sides agree, settle, and move on. Excepting fraud or malfeasance, there are no “do-overs.” That is - as you would expect - the reason that one requests one. An example is the wrap-up of a taxable estate. The tax practitioner does not want that estate resurrecting later, causing headaches when all parties considered the matter closed.

Cory wanted out of his closing agreement.


Closing agreements arise under a Code section. This means that the Court would be reviewing statutory law (that is, the Code as statute on the matter) and not just the general principles of contract law (offer, acceptance, and all that).

That Code section doesn’t let one off the hook without showing malfeasance or misrepresentation of a material fact.

Cory argued that he met that standard. Somebody somewhere at the IRS did not have appropriate signature authority; the IRS committed malfeasance by sharing information with his employer, Raytheon; he was induced to sign by false representations.

I think Cory was grasping at straws.

The Court apparently thought the same way. The Court decided Cory was stuck with the agreement. He signed it; he owned it.

THIRD ACT: we have a closing agreement.

This is a specialized case pulling-in several different areas of the Code.

I get Cory’s point. He wanted exemption both from Australian tax AND some/all U.S. tax.

Me too, Cory. Me too.

Our case this time was Cory H Smith v Commissioner, 159 T.C. No. 3 (Aug 25,2022).

Sunday, September 18, 2022

No Penalty Abatement When Taxes Not Paid For Years


I am looking at a case where the taxpayers wanted penalty abatement for reasonable cause.

I have been cynical for years about the IRS allowing reasonable cause, but let’s read on.

The Koncurats owed for years 2005, 2006 and 2010 through 2016.

CTG: There is a donut in there from 2007 through 2009. I wonder what happened?

For the years at issue Stephen Koncurat owned his own company in the insurance industry. Tamara Koncurat maintained their home and raised four children.

The interest and penalties added up, exceeding $670 grand. To their credit, the Koncurats did not argue the tax due. They did feel, however, that penalty abatement was warranted because “circumstances largely beyond his control” prevented them from meeting their tax obligations.

There were a lot of years involved, though. What were those circumstances?

·      Around 2007 or 2008 Stephen had six rental properties foreclosed.

COMMENT: Got it. That was the Lehman Brothers bankruptcy and the near implosion of the American housing market.

·      From 2010 to 2011 Stephen’s income dropped sharply from over $450K to about $96K.

·      There was a stretch where they could not even afford to make their house payment. Stephen’s father made the payments for them. 

OBSERVATION: This is years after 2005 and 2006, however. I can see going into a payment plan, then negotiating with the IRS to reduce or interrupt payments because of subsequent events cratering one’s income. It is not the easiest thing to do, but it can be done. 

·      Around 2014 or 2015 Stephen broke his back.

·      In 2018 he was diagnosed with cancer and a blocked artery.

·      He thereafter underwent three major surgeries and attended over 100 medical appointments.

He continued to work, as best he could., They reported the following income:

         2005          $274,359

         2006          $251,902

         2010          $462,455

         2011          $95,974

         2012          $71,847

         2013          $109,072

2014          $171,648

2015          $207,398

2016          $314,491                              

I get it. The 2011 through 2013 tax years were aberrant.

I am impressed how well he did during the broken back, cancer and surgery years, though.

Stephen voluntarily paid $1,500 a month to the IRS.


Starting January 2020.

What? Starting …??

I admit, this is going to be a problem. Unexpected circumstances can knock you off your feet. Maybe you don’t file or pay for a couple of years, but there is a beginning and end to the story. Somewhere in there the IRS – and reasonable cause – expects you to put on your big boy pants and try to comply. Hopefully you can file and pay, but maybe all you can do is file. Fine, then file and request a payment plan. Will the IRS be unreasonable? Of course. What if they want more than you can pay? Then request a Collections Due Process hearing.

The point is: get back into the system.

If you don’t, then reasonable cause – hard to obtain under regular circumstances – takes a step up the difficulty ladder. You now have to present “unavoidable obstacles” to your compliance.

Short of being in a coma or Marvel Universe superheroes destroying your city, that “unavoidable” threshold is going to be near-nigh impossible to meet.

Here is the Court:

·      They have alleged no details sufficient to support a finding that any of the hardships they experienced actually presented unavoidable obstacles.”

·      Further, the Koncurats have not alleged … that they ‘didn’t have [the money] or couldn’t keep [the installment plan] going…’”

·      While the family’s financial troubles were significant at times, the record reflects that they have had consistent access to financial resources throughout the years at issue.”

·      They were … contributing tuition, housing and wedding expenses to children….”

That last one doesn’t make sense for broke people.

·      Stephen Koncurat earned more than one million dollars in income in 2019, and again in 2021.”

So we are not talking about broke people. Broke people do not make a million dollars a year.

The Court wanted to know why – with that million dollars – they did not clean-up their tax debt – or at least a chunk of it – rather than delaying payment and tying up the Court’s time.

There was no reasonable cause for the Koncurats. Heck, one could have looked at the extended failure to pay and instead concluded that there was willful neglect.

Meaning no penalty abatement.

No surprise there.

The Koncurats dug themselves a hole by letting the matter go on long enough to attend high school. The likelihood of reasonable cause over that much time was minimal, but I do think that there was something they could have done to improve their odds.

What would that have been?

Take that $1 million dollars and pay the IRS.

They would then have gone before the Court and argued that they had a bad stretch, causing them to fail in their obligations and run afoul of the tax system. However, when their fortune improved, the first party they took care of was … the IRS.

Would this have allowed reasonable cause? Financial difficulties generally do not lead to eligibility for reasonable cause relief.

But it would not have hurt. It also would have lifted the needle off zero and given the Court something specific to support a taxpayer-favorable determination.  

Our case this time was United States v Koncurat, USDC MD, Case No 1:21-cv-00676.

Sunday, September 4, 2022

A Penalty Against A Tax Preparer


Did you know that the IRS can assess penalties against a tax preparer as well as a taxpayer?

I am looking at an IRS Chief Counsel Memorandum recommending a preparer be penalized for a deduction on a client return.

You do not see that every day.

Let’s talk about it.

As is our way, we will streamline the issue so that it is something you might want to read and something I might want to write.

A taxpayer accrued expenses on its books for customer early payment discounts and estimated write-offs for disputed billing and shipping charges.

Sure, easy for a CPA to say.

Let’s clarify. The company sold stuff. It allowed discounts if a customer paid early. It also had routine billing disputes – for quantity, quality, price, damage and so on. As part of its general accounting, it estimated these charges and recorded them as expenses when the related sale was recorded.

Makes sense to me. Generally accepted accounting wants one to record all related expenses when the sale is recorded. This is called the “timing principle,” and the idea is to present net profit from a sales transaction as well as reasonably possible. What if all the expenses are not known at that precise moment - say, for example - the amount of product that will be returned because of damage in shipping? Generally accepted accounting will allow one to estimate that number, normally by statistical analysis of historical experience.

BTW you better do this if you expect to have your financial statements audited. Part of an audit is a review of your accounting method, and the “estimate that number” described above is considered a best-of-breed.

Generally accepted accounting might not work when you get to your tax return, however. Why? Well, generally accepted accounting is trying to get to the “best” number in an economic sense. Tax accounting is not trying to get to the “best” number; rather, it is trying to measure your ability to pay. Pay what? Taxes, of course.

Let’s go back to our taxpayer. They estimated a bunch of expenses when they recorded a sale. They included those numbers on their financial statements. They then wanted to deduct those same numbers on their tax return.


The taxpayer utilized statistics to record the expenses for the two items. The courts held that statistics were not a valid method to record the amounts.”

Their CPA firm had to review the accounting method and decide whether it was acceptable for tax purposes.

There is even a Code section and Regulations:

           Reg § 1.461-1. General rules for taxable year of deduction

(a)(2) Taxpayer using an accrual method.

(i) In general. Under an accrual method of accounting, a liability (as defined in §1.446-1(c)(1)(ii)(B)) is incurred, and generally is taken into account for Federal income tax purposes, in the taxable year in which all the events have occurred that establish the fact of the liability, the amount of the liability can be determined with reasonable accuracy, and economic performance has occurred with respect to the liability


You see that last sentence and its reference to “economic performance?”


For generally accepted accounting, one must:


·      Establish the fact of the liability.

·      Measure the amount of the liability with reasonable accuracy.


Tax then adds one more requirement:


·      Economic performance on the liability must have occurred.


That third requirement is what slows down the tax deduction.


What is an example of economic performance?


Say that you record expenses for services related to the sale. Economic performance wants to see those services performed before allowing the deduction. What if you know - because it has happened millions of times before and can be calculated with near-arithmetic certainty – that the services will occur? Tax doesn’t care.  


But the auditors signed-off on the financial statements, you say. Doesn’t that mean that experts agreed that the accounting method was valid?      

A taxpayer’s conformity with its accrual method used for financial accounting purposes does not create a presumption that its tax accrual method clearly reflects income.”

And there you have a brief introduction to why a company’s financial statements and its tax return might show different numbers. Financial statement accounting and tax accounting serve different purposes, and those differences have real-world consequences.


In this situation, I side with the IRS. Work in a CPA firm for any meaningful period and you will see tax people repetitively “tweak” the audit people’s numbers. It happens so often it has a term: “M-1.” Schedule M-1 is a tax schedule that reconciles the profit per the financial statements to the profit per the tax return. The possible list of differences is near endless:


·      Entertainment

·      Depreciation

·      Allowance for uncollectible receivables

·      Accrued bonuses

·      Reserve for warranties

·      Deferred rent

·      Controlled foreign corporation income

·      Opportunity zone income


And on and on. Knowing these differences is part of being a tax pro.


The Chief Counsel wanted to know why the tax pros at this particular CPA firm did not know that this generally accepted accounting method would not work for purposes of the tax return.


To be fair, methinks, because it is complicated …?


No dice, said the Counsel’s office. The preparer should have known.


The items deducted constituted a substantial part of the return. 

TRANSLATION: It was a big deduction.

And therefore the preparer penalty is appropriate.  

TRANSLATION: Someone has to pay.

Mind you, a Chief Counsel memorandum is internal to the IRS. The taxpayer – and by extension, its CPA firm – might appeal the matter to the Tax Court. I would expect them to, frankly. The memorandum is just the IRS’ side.

For the home gamers, today we have been discussing Chief Counsel Memorandum 20223301F.