Showing posts with label 6511. Show all posts
Showing posts with label 6511. Show all posts

Saturday, December 28, 2024

The Old Three And Two


You will recognize the issue.

During 2017 Mary deNourie worked at a retail store. She had wages of $11,516 and social security of $7,559. She and her husband did not file an income tax return because the withholding was enough to cover any tax due.

In 2021 the IRS contacted them about not filing a 2017 tax return. The IRS was preparing a substitute for return showing the wages and social security as well as partnership income of $25,065. When you throw the partnership into the mix, they now owed tax of $4,192, plus interest and penalties.

What partnership income, they exclaimed? The partnership had not paid them anything.

COMMENT: That is not the way partnerships are taxed. For example, a 10% partner will generally be taxable on 10% of the partnership’s taxable income. This amount is reported to a partner on Schedule K-1, a copy of which goes to the IRS. Whether the partner has received cash to go with that K-1 does not matter to the IRS. That is a matter for the partner to take up with the partnership.

I then see a court order in April 2023 releasing the husband from the matter.

That is unusual. What happened?

The IRS had not sent out a Notice of Deficiency – the 90-day letter – to the husband. This is a no-no. The IRS also has rules and procedures, and each spouse (on a joint return) must receive his or her own Notice of Deficiency. Mary received hers. He did not.

Now Mary was on her own.

Coincidentally, the partnership income went away.

COMMENT: It appears the husband owned the partnership.

We are back to Mary’s W-2 and social security.

Mary and the IRS worked on an agreement. There was no tax due for 2017. In fact, there was an overpayment of $284.

Mary wanted the $284.

Can’t blame her.

The IRS said no.

Mary in response refused to sign the agreement.

In March 2024 Mary filed a tax return for 2017. She wanted her refund.

What do you think: will Mary receive that refund?

Here is the relevant law:

Sec. 6511 Limitations on credit or refund

Period of limitation on filing claim. Claim for credit or refund of an overpayment of any tax imposed by this title in respect of which tax the taxpayer is required to file a return shall be filed by the taxpayer within 3 years from the time the return was filed or 2 years from the time the tax was paid, whichever of such periods expires the later, or if no return was filed by the taxpayer, within 2 years from the time the tax was paid. Claim for credit or refund of an overpayment of any tax imposed by this title which is required to be paid by means of a stamp shall be filed by the taxpayer within 3 years from the time the tax was paid.

Right or wrong, there is a limit on how long you can wait to file for a refund. If you file a return, for example, you have three years to amend for a refund.

There is a riff on the above rule if you file now and pay later. The Code will then permit a refund until 2 years after the tax is paid if that date is after the three-year date.

Notice what this three-and-two have in common:

          You filed a return.

If you do not file a return, the rule gets grimmer:

          You have until 2 years after the tax was paid.

If you file, you start with three and might move to two – and only if two allows for more time.

Don’t file and you have two – period. You have no choice.

Let’s see what Mary did:

·       Mary’s 2017 tax return was due April 15, 2018.

·       She did not file, so the mandatory two-year rule applies.

·       There is still hope, though. If she files within three years – by April 15, 2021 – she can flip the mandatory two back to the normal three-and-two.

o   She filed 2017 in March 2024.

Nope. Too late all around.

Mary had no tax due for 2017, but she likewise had no refund for 2017.

My thought? If you have withholding, consider filing even if there is no tax due. Why? Because withholding represents tax paid, and not filing triggers the mandatory two-year rule. By filing you move to the three-and-two rule. It may save you; it may not, but it provides more breathing room than the alternative.

Today we discussed Mary deNourie v Commissioner, U.S. Tax Court, docket 18182-22.

Sunday, September 3, 2023

Waiting Too Long For Refund Of Excess Withholdings

It happens when someone fails to file with the IRS. It might be a “sleeping dog” rationalization, but people will allow a string of tax years to go unfiled, even if some of those years have refunds rather than tax due.

This is a trap, and I saw it sprung earlier this year on a widow. It was unfortunate, as she still has kids at home and could use the money.

The trap is that tax refunds are not payable after a period of time. The Code wants closure on tax matters. The IRS has three years to audit you. You in turn have three years to request a refund. These are general rules, and there are relief valves for the unusual situation: the IRS can request you to voluntarily extend the statute, for example, or you can file a protective claim if your three years are running out.

Let’s look at the Golden case.

Michael Golden did not file his 2015 tax return. In fact, he waited so long that the IRS prepared a return for him (called a substitute for return or SFR). The IRS does not spot a taxpayer any breaks when they do this (no itemized deductions or head of household status, for example). The IRS instead is trying to get a taxpayer’s attention, prompting them to file a return and opt back into the system. In April 2021 (five years after the return was actually due) the IRS issued its notice of deficiency (NOD, sometimes referred to as SNOD). The SNOD is the IRS trying to perfect its assessment prior to sending the account to Collections for their tender mercies. The SNOD showed tax due.

A few days after receiving the SNOD, Golden filed his 2015 tax return. It showed a refund.

Of course.

Golden wanted his refund. The IRS said it could not issue a refund.

There is a technical rule.  

Here it is:

         Section 6511(a)  Period of limitation on filing claim.

Claim for credit or refund of an overpayment of any tax imposed by this title in respect of which tax the taxpayer is required to file a return shall be filed by the taxpayer within 3 years from the time the return was filed or 2 years from the time the tax was paid, whichever of such periods expires the later, or if no return was filed by the taxpayer, within 2 years from the time the tax was paid. Claim for credit or refund of an overpayment of any tax imposed by this title which is required to be paid by means of a stamp shall be filed by the taxpayer within 3 years from the time the tax was paid.

Tax law can be tricky, but there are two rules here:

(1) The default period is three years (to coincide with the statute of limitations). The period starts on April 15 (when the return is due) and ends 3 years later, unless one requested an extension, in which case the default period also includes the extension (normally to October 15).

(2) Refuse to go along with the default rule and you might trigger the second rule: only taxes paid within two years of filing can be refunded.

As a generalization, you do not want the second rule. Why limit yourself to taxes paid within two years when you can have taxes paid within three years (and the extension period, if an extension was requested).

The IRS was also looking at this shiny:

Section 6511(b) Limitation on allowance of credits and refunds.

(1)  Filing of claim within prescribed period.

No credit or refund shall be allowed or made after the expiration of the period of limitation prescribed in subsection (a) for the filing of a claim for credit or refund, unless a claim for credit or refund is filed by the taxpayer within such period.

Notice that Congress included the phrase “shall be allowed.” Another way to say this is that – if you do not fit within the three-year test or the two-year test – your refund claim “shall” not be allowed. This was the IRS position: hey, we do not have much discretion here.

Let’s review the dates for Golden.

We are talking about his 2015 return. The return was due April 15, 2016. Add three years. Let’s be kind and add three years plus the extension. His three years clock-out on October 15, 2019. Three years will not get you to a refund.

The two year rule is even worse.

Golden argued fairness. He was working in the private sector as well as the Navy Reserve, and the demands therefrom made his life “extremely difficult.” In tax terms, this argument is referred to as “equity.” Some courts can consider equitable arguments, but the Tax Court is not one of them.

Here is the Court:

          We sympathize with petitioner’s predicament.

The Supreme Court has made clear that the limitations on refunds of overpayments prescribed in section 6512(b)(3) shall be given effect, consistent with Congress’s intent as expressed in the plain text of the statute, regardless of any perceived harshness to the taxpayer. See Commissioner v. Lundy, 516 U.S. at 250–53. Because Congress has not given us authority to award refunds based solely on equitable factors, we are compelled to grant respondent’s Motion for Summary Judgment.”

It was not a total loss for Golden, however. Since he did file a return, the IRS reduced his 2015 tax due to zero. He did not owe anything. He could not, however, recover any overpayment. He left that 2015 refund on the table.

What do you do if you are caught in a work situation like Golden? It is not a perfect answer, but file with the information you can readily assemble. Pay someone to prepare the return (within reason, of course). Hey, maybe you missed interest on a small money market account or took the standard deduction when itemized deductions would have given you a smidgeon more. The IRS will let you know about the first one (computer matching), and if there is enough money there you can amend later (the second one). At least you will get your basic refund claim in.

Our case this time was Golden v Commissioner, T.C. Memo 023-103.

Sunday, December 5, 2021

A Tax Refund When The IRS Fails To Process A Return

I am looking at a case involving a tax refund. The IRS bounced it, and I am having a hard time figuring out what the IRS was thinking.

Let’s talk about it.

James Willetts filed an extension for his 2014 individual tax return. He sent a $8,000 payment and extended the return from April 15 to October 15, 2015.

Standard stuff.

He did not file the return by October 15, 2015.

Oh well.

He finally filed the 2014 return on April 14, 2018.

April 15, 2015 to April 14, 2018 is less than three years, and that is not even including the six-month extension on the 2014 return.

The IRS rejected the return because of potential identity theft.

I presume that the IRS sent a notice, but Willetts did not respond. The Court goes on to observe that it was unclear whether Willetts even knew there was an identity issue before bringing suit.

COMMENT: That struck me as odd, as one of the first things a tax professional would do is obtain a transcript of Willett’s tax account. I then noted that Willetts brought suit as “pro se,” generally interpreted as going to Court without professional representation. Technically, that is incorrect, as one can go to Court with a CPA and still be considered “pro se,” but, in Willetts’ case, I am inclined to believe he was truly pro se.

The issue before the Court was straight-forward: did Willetts file his return in time to get his refund?

Let’s go tax nerd for a moment:

(1)  A taxpayer may recoup a tax overpayment by filing a claim within a statutorily-prescribed period of time.

(2)  That period of time is:

a.    Three years from when the return was filed, if the return was filed within three years of when the return was due; otherwise

b.    … two years from when the tax was paid.

(3)  The three years in (2)(a) extends with a valid tax extension.

Let’s parse this.

(1) Willetts' 2014 tax return was due April 15, 2015.

(2) He had a valid extension until October 15, 2015.

(3) His three-year period for filing a refund claim would run – at a minimum - until April 15, 2018. Since he also had a valid extension, the extension period gets tacked-on. He therefore had until October 15, 2018 to file a refund claim within the three-year lookback period.

You can see where the IRS was coming from. It did not have a tax return in its system until after October 15, 2018.

However, Willetts filed - or at least attempted to file - a return on April 14, 2018. It wasn’t his fault that the IRS held up processing.

The Court made short work of this.

A tax return is deemed filed the day it is received by the IRS, regardless of whether it is accepted, processed, ignored or destroyed by the IRS. The IRS’ own records showed Willetts' return as received on May 2, 2018, well within the period ending October 15, 2018.

The return was filed timely. Willetts was due his refund.

I have a couple of observations:

(1)  I do not understand why the IRS pursued this. The rules here are bright-line. The IRS did not have a chance of winning; in fact, the case strikes me as borderline harassment. 

What concerns me is the mountain of paper returns – especially amended returns – waiting unopened and unprocessed at the IRS as I write this. Are we going to see Willetts-like foot-dragging by the IRS on those returns? Is the IRS going to force me to file with the Tax Court to get my clients their refunds?   

(2)  Let’s play what-if.  

Say that Willetts had filed his return on November 1, 2018, so that all parties would agree that he was outside the three-year lookback period. Once that happened, his refund would be limited to any taxes paid within the previous two years. His 2014 taxes would have been deemed paid on April 15, 2015, meaning that none, zero, zip of his 2014 taxes were paid within two years of November 1, 2018. There would be no refund. This, by the way, is the how-and-why people lose their tax refunds if they do not file their returns within three years.   

Our case this time was Willetts v Commissioner, Tax Court November 22, 2021.

Sunday, September 6, 2020

Abatement Versus Refund


I was contacted recently to inquire about my interest in a proceduralist opportunity.

That raises the question: what is a proceduralist?

Think about navigating the IRS: notices, audits, payment plans, innocent spouse claims, liens and so on.  One should include state tax agencies too. During my career, I have seen states become increasingly aggressive. Especially after COVID – and its drain on state coffers - I suspect this trend will only continue.

I refer to procedure as “working the machine.” This is not about planning for a transaction, researching a tax consequence or preparing a tax return. That part is done. You have moved on to something else concerning that tax return.

Less glamorously, it means that I usually get all the notices.

Let’s go procedural this time.

Let’s talk about the difference between an abatement and a refund.

Mr Porporato (Mr P) filed a return for 2009. He owed approximately $10 grand in taxes.

He did not file for 2010 or 2011. The IRS prepared returns for him (called a Substitute Return), and he again owed approximately $10 grand for each year.

COMMENT: He had withholding but he still owed tax for each year. He probably showed have adjusted his withholding, but, then again, he went a couple of years without even filing. I doubt he cared.

The IRS came a-calling for the money, and Mr P requested a Collection Due Process hearing.

COMMENT: I agree, and that is what a CDP hearing is about. Mind you, the IRS wants to hear about payment plans, but at least you have a chance to consolidate the years and work-out a payment schedule.

There was chop in the water that we will not get into, other than Mr P’s claim that he had a refund for 2005 that was being ignored.

So what happened with 2005?

Mr P and his (ex) wife filed a joint 2005 return on June 15, 2006.

Then came a separation, then a divorce, then an innocent spouse claim.


He amended his 2005 return on March 29, 2010. The amended return changed matters from tax due to a tax overpayment. The IRS abated his 2005 liability.

There you have the first of our key words: abatement.

Let’s review the statute of limitations (SOL). You generally have three years to file a tax return and claim your refund, if any. Go past the three years and the IRS keeps your refund. There are modifiers in there, but that is the general picture. We also know the flip side of the SOL: the IRS has three years to examine your return. Go past three years and the IRS cannot look at that year (again, with modifiers). Why is this? It mostly has to do with administration. Somewhere in there you have to close the matter and move on.

Let’s point out that Mr P amended his 2005 return after more than three years. The IRS still reversed his tax due.

Can the IRS do that?



An IRS can abate at any time. Abatement is not subject to the restrictions of the SOL.

Abatement means that the IRS reducing what it wants to collect from you.

But the result was an overpayment.

Mr P wanted the IRS to refund his 2005 overpayment – more specifically, to refund via application of the overpayment to later tax years with balances due.

This is not the IRS reducing what it wants to collect. This is in fact going the other way: think of it as the IRS writing a check.

Wanting the IRS to write a check ran Mr P full-face into the statute of limitations. He filed the 2005 amended outside the three-year window, meaning that the SOL on the refund was triggered.

I get where Mr P was coming from. The IRS cut him slack on 2005, so he figured he was entitled to the rest of the slack.

He was wrong.

And there you have the procedural difference between an abatement and a refund. The IRS has the authority to reduce the amount it considers due from you, without regard to the SOL. The IRS however does not have the authority to write you a check after the SOL has expired.

Another way to say this is: you left money on the table.

Our case this time was Porporato v Commissioner (TC Summary Opinion 2020-24).

Saturday, July 18, 2020

An Expiring Six Figure Tax Refund

We had an unusual client situation this 2020 tax-season-that-refuses-to-go-away.

It involved a high earner and a private plane.

More specifically, buying a private plane.

The high earner bought the plane in 2016, which meant there was a dollar-for-dollar depreciation deduction if the plane was successfully placed in business use. While that may sound simple enough, there is a high wall in the tax Code (specifically, Section 280F(d)(6)(C)(ii)) that one has to scale. The IRS is onto wealthy taxpayers buying a plane for “business” use, using it also for personal reasons and reporting relatively minimal income for that personal use under the SIFL rules.
COMMENT: Think of the SIFL rules as picking up mileage-rate income for your personal use of a company car.
It took a while to resolve the issues involved in this return. We prepared and the client filed his 2016 return in 2020. We filed on paper, as it was too late to electronically file. Going into COVID, mind you, when soon there would be no one at the IRS to open the mail. In fact, at one point the IRS estimated that it had over 10 million pieces of unopened mail to process.

Not the best-case scenario, but I was not immediately concerned.

Until our client received an IRS letter that the period for claiming a 2016 tax refund was about to expire.

That amount was six figures.

Let’s talk about the tax statute of limitations.

There are different sides to the statute of limitations.

In general, we know that there is a three-year statute for the IRS to look at one’s return. If you filed, for example, your 2016 tax return on April 15, 2017, the IRS has until April 15, 2020 (barring unusual circumstances) to look at and change your return.

The technical term for any additional taxes is “assessment”, and the IRS has 10 years to collect any taxes assessed. You there have a second limitations period.

But what if the IRS owes you?

Let’s say that you have a refund for 2016. You are in no hurry to file, because there is nothing for the IRS to chase down. You have a refund, after all.

That three-year statute flips and can now be your enemy.

You have to claim that refund within three years.

What if you don’t?

Then you lose it.

You had better file that 2016 tax return by April 15, 2020.

Let’s go tax nerd here.

Technically, there are two limitations periods running concurrently. You have to meet both of them to get to your refund.

(1)  You have to file a refund claim within three years of filing the return.

There is some technical mumbo-jumbo here. Since you never filed a return, the filing serves as both a return and a claim (for refund). You would easily meet the three-year test as filing the return also counts as filing a claim. You did both at the same time.

That, however, is not the problem.

(2)   Taxes paid within the preceding three-year period are recoverable.

The taxes for 2016 were considered paid-in as of April 15, 2017 (when the return was due). As long as you get that return/claim in by April 15, 2020, you are good, right?

Who was not working on April 15, 2020?

The IRS, that‘s who.

Nor many CPA firms. If CPAs were working, odds are they were working in a diminished capacity.  

Still, our return was filed before April 15, 2020, so was there need to be concerned that it was sitting in a trailer with millions of other returns?

And didn’t many deadlines got extended to July 15, in any event?

That answer is fine until the client begins to panic. Did the period run out on April 15? Is the period running out on July 15? ARE YOU SURE?

My partner was anxious: should we call the IRS? Should we file another claim? Should we request an extension of the statute?

Ixnay on that last one, champ.

We had one more card to play.

Guess what extends the three-year lookback period for recoverable taxes?

An extension, that’s what, and our client had one for 2016.

No matter what, our client’s lookback period for taxes goes through October 15, 2020. The client has three years and six months to get to those taxes.

I am, by the way, a fan of routine extensions for tax returns of complexity. COVID has given me another reason why.

Happy client.

Crazy year.

Sunday, January 14, 2018

Mental Illness And The Statute Of Limitations

Many people and most tax practitioners (hopefully) know the statute of limitations on refunds from the IRS:
§ 6511 Limitations on credit or refund.
(a)  Period of limitation on filing claim.
Claim for credit or refund of an overpayment of any tax imposed by this title in respect of which tax the taxpayer is required to file a return shall be filed by the taxpayer within 3 years from the time the return was filed or 2 years from the time the tax was paid, whichever of such periods expires the later, or if no return was filed by the taxpayer, within 2 years from the time the tax was paid. Claim for credit or refund of an overpayment of any tax imposed by this title which is required to be paid by means of a stamp shall be filed by the taxpayer within 3 years from the time the tax was paid.

We can shorthand this as the “3 and 2” rule.

Then there was the Brockamp case in 1997, which many felt was unfair and which led Congress to write this beauty:

§ 6511 Limitations on credit or refund.
(h)  Running of periods of limitation suspended while taxpayer is unable to manage financial affairs due to disability.
(1)  In general.
In the case of an individual, the running of the periods specified in subsections (a) , (b) , and (c) shall be suspended during any period of such individual's life that such individual is financially disabled.
(2)  Financially disabled.
(A)  In general. For purposes of paragraph (1) , an individual is financially disabled if such individual is unable to manage his financial affairs by reason of a medically determinable physical or mental impairment of the individual which can be expected to result in death or which has lasted or can be expected to last for a continuous period of not less than 12 months. An individual shall not be considered to have such an impairment unless proof of the existence thereof is furnished in such form and manner as the Secretary may require.

Like so much of the tax Code, the heavy lifting is in the details. Brockamp had been senile. Congress addressed the issue by introducing the phrase “medically determinable,” and then handed the baton to the IRS to define what that verbal salad meant.

COMMENT: And there you have a capsule summary of how the Code has gotten away from us over the years. Congress writes words and then leaves it to the IRS and courts to determine what they mean. Congress did the pooch again with the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act.  Google “qualified business income” and tell me that isn’t an elmore waiting to happen.
The IRS issued its interpretation of “medically determinable” in Rev Proc 99-21:

SECTION 4. PROCEDURE Unless otherwise provided in IRS forms and instructions, the following statements are to be submitted with a claim for credit or refund of tax to claim financial disability for purposes of § 6511(h).
(1)   a written statement by a physician (as defined in § 1861(r)(1) of the Social Security Act, 42 U.S.C. § 1395x(r)), qualified to make the determination, that …

The IRS is pointing to the Social Security rules to define what a physician is. Methinks this is poor work. Why not reference Beat Bobby Flay to define meal expenses or Car Talk to define transportation expenses?

Let’s look at the Green case.

Richard Green and his wife (Hae Han) went to Tax Court in 2009. There were taxes due and tax refunds and quite the debate about offsetting one against the other.  The case eventually got to Sec 6511(h), and here is what the Court had to say about it:

An individual will not, however, be considered financially disabled unless proof of a medically determinable physical or mental impairment is provided in such form and manner as the Commissioner may require. More specifically, the Commissioner requires a written statement from a physician. Ms. Han, however, did not establish that she was financially disabled. In addition, she was treated by a clinical psychologist, not a physician, and thus could not and did not provide the requisite documentation.

Ms. Han’s letter was written by a psychologist. 
COMMENT: I am thinking: why is a psychologist not considered a “physician?” An optometrist is considered one for this purpose, although an optometrist has an O.D. and not an M.D.

There was no relief for Green and Han.

A number of practitioners considered this decision to be nonsense. The IRS had grafted a Medicare definition concerning payment for services onto Sec 6511(h), which was supposed to be a relief provision in the tax Code.

Enter the Estate of Stauffer, which is presently in Court.

Carlton Stauffer died in 2012 at the age of 90. His son is administering the estate. He discovered that his dad had not filed tax returns for 2006 through 2012. He filed those returns on behalf of his dad. One year alone – 2006 – had a refund of approximately $137,000.

The IRS denied the refund as outside the 3-year window.

The son appealed and pointed at Sec 6511(h).

His father had been seeing a psychologist, who treated him from 2001 until his death in 2012. The psychologist wrote a persuasive letter explaining how Carlton had suffered from psychological problems in addition to ailments including congestive heart failure, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, leukemia, and chronic pneumonia. He explained how all these factors negatively impacted Carlton’s mental capacity, cognitive functioning, decision making and prevented him from successfully managing his affairs.

The IRS said: show us the “M.D.”

Why wouldn’t they? They had won with that play before.

The estate sued in District Court.

The IRS motioned to dismiss, order boneless chicken wings and watch the NBA over a pitcher of beer.

The District Court denied the IRS motion.

The Court pointed out that – for all the IRS’ power – that it could still review Rev Proc 99-21 under the “arbitrary and capricious” standard that government agencies are held to. The IRS had to articulate a rational connection for its standard, as well as explain why it rejected any reasonably obvious alternatives to the challenged rule.

The Court pointed out that Social Security does not restrict the types of professionals who may opine on whether someone has a disability qualifying for disability benefits. In fact, the opinion of a psychologist is given great weight in such a determination.

The Court did not see how the IRS dismissal of a psychologist’s letter passed the “arbitrary and capricious” standard.

Mind you, the Estate of Stauffer won a motion only; this does not mean that it will win the overall case.  

I for one hope it does.