Sunday, December 5, 2021

A Tax Refund When The IRS Fails To Process A Return

I am looking at a case involving a tax refund. The IRS bounced it, and I am having a hard time figuring out what the IRS was thinking.

Let’s talk about it.

James Willetts filed an extension for his 2014 individual tax return. He sent a $8,000 payment and extended the return from April 15 to October 15, 2015.

Standard stuff.

He did not file the return by October 15, 2015.

Oh well.

He finally filed the 2014 return on April 14, 2018.

April 15, 2015 to April 14, 2018 is less than three years, and that is not even including the six-month extension on the 2014 return.

The IRS rejected the return because of potential identity theft.

I presume that the IRS sent a notice, but Willetts did not respond. The Court goes on to observe that it was unclear whether Willetts even knew there was an identity issue before bringing suit.

COMMENT: That struck me as odd, as one of the first things a tax professional would do is obtain a transcript of Willett’s tax account. I then noted that Willetts brought suit as “pro se,” generally interpreted as going to Court without professional representation. Technically, that is incorrect, as one can go to Court with a CPA and still be considered “pro se,” but, in Willetts’ case, I am inclined to believe he was truly pro se.

The issue before the Court was straight-forward: did Willetts file his return in time to get his refund?

Let’s go tax nerd for a moment:

(1)  A taxpayer may recoup a tax overpayment by filing a claim within a statutorily-prescribed period of time.

(2)  That period of time is:

a.    Three years from when the return was filed, if the return was filed within three years of when the return was due; otherwise

b.    … two years from when the tax was paid.

(3)  The three years in (2)(a) extends with a valid tax extension.

Let’s parse this.

(1) Willetts' 2014 tax return was due April 15, 2015.

(2) He had a valid extension until October 15, 2015.

(3) His three-year period for filing a refund claim would run – at a minimum - until April 15, 2018. Since he also had a valid extension, the extension period gets tacked-on. He therefore had until October 15, 2018 to file a refund claim within the three-year lookback period.

You can see where the IRS was coming from. It did not have a tax return in its system until after October 15, 2018.

However, Willetts filed - or at least attempted to file - a return on April 14, 2018. It wasn’t his fault that the IRS held up processing.

The Court made short work of this.

A tax return is deemed filed the day it is received by the IRS, regardless of whether it is accepted, processed, ignored or destroyed by the IRS. The IRS’ own records showed Willetts' return as received on May 2, 2018, well within the period ending October 15, 2018.

The return was filed timely. Willetts was due his refund.

I have a couple of observations:

(1)  I do not understand why the IRS pursued this. The rules here are bright-line. The IRS did not have a chance of winning; in fact, the case strikes me as borderline harassment. 

What concerns me is the mountain of paper returns – especially amended returns – waiting unopened and unprocessed at the IRS as I write this. Are we going to see Willetts-like foot-dragging by the IRS on those returns? Is the IRS going to force me to file with the Tax Court to get my clients their refunds?   

(2)  Let’s play what-if.  

Say that Willetts had filed his return on November 1, 2018, so that all parties would agree that he was outside the three-year lookback period. Once that happened, his refund would be limited to any taxes paid within the previous two years. His 2014 taxes would have been deemed paid on April 15, 2015, meaning that none, zero, zip of his 2014 taxes were paid within two years of November 1, 2018. There would be no refund. This, by the way, is the how-and-why people lose their tax refunds if they do not file their returns within three years.   

Our case this time was Willetts v Commissioner, Tax Court November 22, 2021.

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