Showing posts with label employer. Show all posts
Showing posts with label employer. Show all posts

Saturday, February 8, 2025

A Call From Chuck

I was speaking with a client this week. He told me that he recently retired and his financial advisor recommended he discuss a matter with me.

Me:              So, what are we going to talk about?”

Chuck:         I worked for Costco for many years.”

Me:              OK.”

Chuck:         I bought their stock all along.”

Me:              Not sure where this is going. Are you diversifying?”

Chuck:         Have you heard of Net Unrealized Appreciation?”

Me:              Sure have, but how does that apply to you?”

That was not my finest moment. I did not immediately register that Chuck had – for many years – bought Costco stock inside of his 401(k).

Take a look at this stock chart: 

Costco stock was at $313 on February 7, 2020. Five years later it is at $1,043.

It has appreciated – a lot.

I missed the boat on that one.

The appreciation is unrealized because Chuck has not sold the stock.

The difference between the total value of the Costco stock in his 401(k) and his cost in the stock (that is, the amount he paid over the years buying Costco) is the net unrealized appreciation, abbreviated “NUA” and commonly pronounced (NEW-AHH).

And Chuck has a tax option that I was not expecting. His financial advisor did a good job of spotting it.

Let’s make up a few numbers as we talk about the opportunity here.

Say Chuck has 800 shares. At a price of $1,043, the stock is worth $834,400.

Say his average cost is 20 cents on the dollar: $834,400 times 20% = cost of $166,880.

Chuck also owns stocks other than Costco in his 401(k). We will say those stocks are worth $165,600, bring the total value of his 401(k) to an even $1 million.

Chuck retires. What is the likely thing he will do with that 401(k)?

He will rollover the 401(k) to an IRA with Fidelity, T Rowe, Vanguard, or someone like that.

He may wait or not, but eventually he will start taking distributions from the IRA. If he delays long enough the government will force him via required minimum distributions (RMDs).

How is the money taxed when distributed from the IRA?

It is taxed as ordinary income, meaning one can potentially run through all the ordinary tax rates.

It was not that long ago (1980) that the maximum tax rate was 70%. Granted, one would need a lot of income to climb through the rates and get to 70%. But people did. Can you imagine the government forcing you to take a distribution and then taking seventy cents on the dollar as its cut?

Hey, you say. What about those capital gains in the 401(k)?  Is there no tax pop there?

Think of a 401(k) as Las Vegas. What happens in Las Vegas stays in Las Vegas. What leaves Las Vegas is ordinary income.

And that gets us to net unrealized appreciation. Congress saw the possible unfairness of someone owning stock in a regular, ordinary taxable brokerage account rather than a tax-deferred retirement account. The ordinary taxable account can have long-term capital gains. The retirement account cannot.

Back to NEW-AHH.

How much is in that 401(k)?

A million dollars.

How much of that is Costco?


Let’s roll the Costco stock to a taxable brokerage account. Let’s roll the balance ($165,600) to an IRA.

This would normally be financial suicide, as stock going to a taxable account is considered a distribution. Distributions from an IRA are ordinary income. How much is ordinary income tax on $834,400? I can assure you it exceeds my ATM withdrawal limit.

Here is the NUA option:

You pay ordinary tax on your cost - not the value - in that Costco stock.

OK, that knocks it down to tax on $166,880.

It still a lot, but it is substantially less than the general rule.

Does that mean you never pay tax on the appreciation – the $667,520?

Please. Of course you will, eventually. But you now have two potentially huge tax planning options.

First, hold the stock for at least a year and a day and you will pay long-term capital gains (rather than ordinary income tax) rates on the gain.

QUIZ: Let’s say that the above numbers stayed static for a year and a day. You then sold all the stock. How much is your gain? It is $667,520 (that is, $834,400 minus $166,880). You get credit (called “basis” in this context) for the income you previously reported.

What is the second option?

You control when you sell the stock. If you want to sell a bit every year, you can delay paying taxes for years, maybe decades. Contrast this with MRDs, where the government forces you to distribute money from the account.

So why wouldn’t everybody go NUA?

Well, one reason is that (in our example) you pony up cash equal to the tax on the $166,880. I suppose you could sell some of the Costco stock to provide the cash, but that would create another gain triggering another round of tax.

A second reason is your specific tax situation. If you just leave it alone, distributions from a normal retirement account would be taxable as ordinary income. If you NUA, you are paying tax now for the possibility of paying reduced tax in the future. Take two people with differing incomes and taxes and whatnot and you might arrive at two different answers.

Here are high-profile points to remember about net unrealized appreciation:

(1)  There must exist a retirement account at work.

(2)  There must be company stock in that retirement account.

(3)  There is a qualified triggering event. The likely one is that you retired.

(4)  There must be a lump-sum distribution out of that retirement account. At the end of the day, the retirement account must be empty.

(5)  The stock part of the retirement account goes one way (to a taxable account), and the balance goes another way (probably to an IRA).

(6)  The stock must be distributed in kind. Selling the stock and rolling the cash will not work.

BTW taking advantage of NUA does not have to be all or nothing. We used $834,400 as the value of the Costco stock in the above example. You can NUA all of that – or just a portion. Let’s say that you want to NUA $400,000 of the $834,400. Can you do that? Of course you can.

Chuck has a tax decision that I will never have.

Why is that?

CPA firms do not have traded stock.

Tuesday, October 31, 2023

A Short Story About Connecticut Unemployment Reporting

I read that the Governor of Connecticut has signed a bill repealing certain additional payroll reporting requirements otherwise slated to start next year.

As background, all state quarterly unemployment returns include certain basic information, including:

·       Name

·       Social security number

·       Wages paid in the quarter

Prior to repeal, Connecticut employers were to report additional information with their quarterly unemployment returns. The reporting was to start in 2024, with the exact phase-in depending on the number of employees:

·       Gender identity

·       Age

·       Race

·       Ethnicity

·       Veteran status

·       Disability status

·       Highest education completed

·       Home address

·       Address of primary work site

·       Occupational code under the standard occupational classification (SOC) system of the federal Bureau of Labor Statistics

·       Hours worked

·       Days worked

·       Salary or hourly wage

·       Employment start date in the current job title

·       Employment end date (if applicable)

Ten of the above 15 data elements are not collected by any other state.

There was concern that the additional elements could negatively impact people filing for benefits – that is, the actual purpose of unemployment taxes.

“The Department of Labor would need to edit incoming reports against certain standards and reject employer wage/tax reports or suspend processing while seeking clarification of elements reported.   

“Rejected or suspended wage reports could make wage information unavailable when unemployment claimants apply for benefits.”

It appears a breath of sanity.

Sunday, April 30, 2023

Do Not Do This When Buying Disability Insurance


It is a tax trap. An employer thinks that they are doing a boon for their employees by providing a tax-exempt fringe benefit.

Where is the trap?

CTG: it has to do with insurance.

I don’t get it, you say. My employer pays for some/most/all my health insurance. When I see a doctor, the insurance pays some, I pay some. Granted, some health insurances are better than others, but where is the trap?

CTG: it is not health insurance.

I get life insurance at work, you continue. It is equal to a year’s salary or something like that. I have noticed that they charge me something for this on my W-2 every year.

CTG: Life insurance has a split personality. An employer can offer you up to $50 thousand of life insurance as a nontaxable fringe. Any insurance above that amount (for example, if your annual salary is more than $50 grand) is taxable to you. Mind you, the charge tends to be minimal - as the IRS uses favorable rates - but you are charged something.  

It is not life insurance.

It is disability insurance.

Let’s look at John Linford.

John sold Medicare supplement and Medicare Advantage plans. His employer decided to do a nice, and in 2011 it purchased a group disability policy from Principal Life. On the plan’s first iteration, the company paid 100% of the premiums. In 2013 the plan was amended, giving the company the option to charge an employee 25% of the premiums. The company said “nah” to the option, choosing to continue paying 100% of the premiums.

At first blush, this sounds like a beneficent employer.

John incurred a disability in 2014. He filed a worker’s compensation claim in December 2014.

John was fired a year later, in November 2015.

This may still be a beneficent employer. They might have been assisting John in getting to that disability policy.

In May 2017 Principal Life approved his disability claim.

At that speed, one could be homeless before the insurance kicks-in.

Principal Life paid him a $105 grand in retroactive benefits.

John heard that disability is generally nontaxable.


John left the $105 grand off his tax return.


The IRS caught it, of course.

The IRS wanted almost $22 thousand in tax, as well as a penalty chop of over $4 grand.

Off to Tax Court they went.

There is a Code section for this type of employer-provided insurance: Section 105.

           § 105 Amounts received under accident & health plans.

(a)  Amounts attributable to employer contributions.

Except as otherwise provided in this section, amounts received by an employee through accident or health insurance for personal injuries or sickness shall be included in gross income to the extent such amounts (1) are attributable to contributions by the employer which were not includible in the gross income of the employee, or (2) are paid by the employer.

Read the verbiage at (a).

Except as otherwise provided, any accident or health insurance is taxable to the extent the employer provides the insurance as a tax-free benny. Wait, you say, what about health insurance? That is not taxable. True, but health insurance is nontaxable via the “except as otherwise provided” language. There is no such exception for disability insurance.

This stuff can be confusing.

John had one more swing at the plate. Remember that the company amended the plan allowing them to charge employees 25% of the cost. John wanted to know if there was some relief there. I get it: 25% nontaxable is not as good as 100% nontaxable, but it is better than 100% taxable.

The Court said no. Potential is not actuality, and John never paid any of the premiums.

What about the penalties? Did the Court cut John some slack? One can get confused here: one rule for health insurance, another rule for different insurance.

Based on the record the Court concludes that the petitioner husband did not have reasonable cause and did not act in good faith in not reporting the disability payments.”

The Court upheld the penalties. There went another $4-plus grand.

Some companies allow one to purchase short-term disability through their cafeteria plan. Mind you, this means that the premiums are paid with pre-tax money and will result in taxable income if benefits are ever collected. I tend to back-off on short-term disability, although I prefer that one pay with after-tax dollars for either short- or long-term disability.

I, however, feel strongly about paying after-tax for long-term disability. Those benefits may continue until you reach social security age, and you do not need to be dragging taxes behind you until then. The small rush of a tax-free benny is insignificant if you are ever – in fact – disabled.

Our case this time was Cynthia L Hailstone and John Linford v Commissioner, T.C. Summary Opinion 2023-17.

Saturday, November 19, 2022

Can A Severance Be A Gift?

I am looking at a case wondering why a tax practitioner would take it to Tax Court.

Then I noticed that it is a pro se case.

We have talked about this before: pro se means that the taxpayer is representing himself/herself. Technically that is not correct (for example, someone could drag me in and still be considered pro se), but it is close enough for our discussion.

Here is the issue:

Can an employer make a nontaxable gift to an employee?

Jennifer Fields thought so.

She worked at Paragon Canada from 2009 to 2017. Apparently, she was on good terms with her boss, as the company …

·      Wired her 35,000 Canadian dollars in 2012

·      Wired her $53,020 in 2014 to help with the down payment on a house in Washington state.

I am somewhat jealous. I am a career CPA, and CPA firms are not known for … well, doing what Paragon did for Jennifer.

She separated from Paragon in 2017.

They discussed a severance package.

Part of the package was forgiveness of the loan arising from those wires.

Forgiveness here does not mean what it means on Sunday. The company may forgive repayment, but the IRS will still consider the amount forgiven to be taxable income. The actual forgiveness is therefore the after-tax amount. If one’s tax rate is 25%, then the actual forgiveness would be 75% of the amount forgiven. It is still a good deal but not free.

Paragon requested and she provided a Form W-9 (the form requesting her social security number).

Well, we know that she will be getting a W-2 or a 1099 for that loan.

A W-2 would be nice. Paragon would pick-up half of the social security and Medicare taxes. If she is really lucky, they might even gross-up her bonus to include the taxes thereon, making the severance as financially painless as possible.

She received a 1099.

Oh well.

She left the 1099 off her tax return.

The IRS computers caught it.

Because … of course.

Off to Tax Court they went.

This is not highbrow tax law, folks. She worked somewhere. She received a paycheck. She left work. She received a final paycheck. What is different about that last one?

·      She tried to get Paragon to consider some of her severance as a gift.

The Court was curt on this point. You can try to be a bird, but you better not be jumping off tall buildings thinking you can fly.

·      She was good friends with her boss. She produced e-mails, text messages and what-not.

That’s nice, said the Court, but this is a job. There is an extremely high presumption in the tax Code that any payment to an employee is compensatory.

But my boss and I were good friends, she pressed. The law allows a gift when the relationship between employer and employee is personal and the payment is unrelated to work.

Huh, I wonder what that means.

Anyway, the Court was not buying:

Paragon’s inclusion of the disputed amount in the signed and executed severance agreement and the subsequent issuance of a Form 1099-MISC indicates that the payments were not intended to be a gift.”

She really did not have a chance.

The IRS also wanted penalties. Not just your average morning-drive-through penalties, no sir. They wanted the Section 6662(a) “accuracy related” penalty. Why? Well, because that penalty is 20%, and it is triggered if the taxpayer omits enough income to underpay tax by the greater of $5 grand or 10% of what the tax should have been.

Think biggie size.

The Court agreed on the penalty.

I was thinking what I would have done if Jennifer had been my client.

First, I would have explained that her chance of winning was almost nonexistent.

COMMENT: She would have fired me then, realistically.

Our best course would be to resolve the matter administratively.

I want the penalties dropped.

That means we are bound for Appeals. There is no chance of getting that penalty dropped before then.

I would argue reasonable cause. I would likely get slapped down, but I would argue. I might get something from the Appeals Officer.

Our case this time was Fields v Commissioner, T.C. Summary Opinion 2022-22.


Sunday, August 28, 2022

Repaying a COVID-Related Distribution

Do you remember a tax break in 2020 that allowed you to take (up to) $100,000 from your IRA or your employer retirement plan? These were called “coronavirus-related distributions,” or CRDs in the lingo. In and of itself, the provision was not remarkable. What was remarkable is that one was allowed three years to return some, all, or none of the money to the IRA or employer plan, as one wished.

I was thinking recently that I do not remember seeing 2021 individual returns where someone returned the money.

Granted, we have a flotilla of returns on extension here at Galactic Command. I may yet see this beast in its natural state.

Let’s go over how this provision works.

To make it easy, let’s say that you took $100,000 from your 401(k) in 2020 for qualifying COVID-related reasons.

You had an immediate binary decision:

·      Report the entire $100,000 as income in 2020 and pay the taxes immediately.

·      Spread the reporting of the $100 grand over three years – 2020, 2021 and 2022 - and pay taxes over three years.

There was no early-distribution penalty on this distribution, which was good.

You might wonder how paying the tax immediately could be preferable to paying over three years. It could happen. How? Say that you had a business and it got decimated by COVID lockdowns. Your 2020 income might be very low – heck, you might even have an overall tax loss. If that were the case, reporting the income and paying the tax in 2020 might make sense, especially if you expected your subsequent years’ income to return to normal levels.

What was a COVID-related reason for a distribution?

The easy ones are:

·      You, a spouse or dependent were diagnosed (and possibly quarantined) with COVID;

·      You had childcare issues because of COVID;

·      You were furloughed, laid-off or had work hours reduced because of COVID.

Makes sense. There is one more:

·      You experienced other “adverse financial consequences” because of COVID.

That last one has an open-gate feel to me. I’ll give you an example:

·      You own rental cabins in Aspen. No one was renting your cabins in 2020. Did you experience “adverse financial consequences” triggering this tax provision?

You have – should you choose to do so – three years to put the money back. The three-year period starts with the date of distribution, so it does not automatically mean (in fact, it is unlikely to be) December 31st three years later.

The money doesn’t have to return to the same IRA or employer plan. Any qualifying IRA or employer plan will work. Makes sense, as there is a more-than-incidental chance that someone no longer works for the same employer.

 Let’s say that you decide to return $50 grand of the $100 grand.

The tax reporting depends on how you reported the $100 grand in 2020.

Remember that there were two ways to go:

·      Report all of it in 2020

This is easy.

You reported $100 grand in 2020.

When you return $50 grand you … amend 2020 and reduce income by $50 grand.

What if you return $50 grand over two payments – one in 2021 and again in 2022?

Easy: you amend 2020 for the 2021 and amend 2020 again for the 2022.

Question: can you keep amending like that – that is, amending an amended?

Answer: you bet.

·       Report the $100 grand over three years.

This is not so easy.

The reporting depends on how much of the $100 grand you have left to report.

Let’s say that you are in the second year of the three-year spread and repay $30,000 to your IRA or employer plan.

The test here is: did you repay the includable amount (or less) for that year?

If yes, just subtract the repayment from the includable amount and report the difference on that year’s return.

In our example, the math would be $33,333 - 30,000 = $3,333. You would report $3,333 for the second year of the spread.

If no, then it gets ugly.

Let’s revise our example to say that you repaid $40,000 rather than $30,000.

First step: You would offset the current-year includable amount entirely. There is nothing to report the second year, and you still have $6,667 ($40,000 – 33,333) remaining.

You have a decision.

You have a year left on the three-year spread. You could elect to carryforward the $6,667 to that year. You would report $26,666 ($33,333 – 6,667) in income for that third and final year.

You could alternatively choose to amend a prior year for the $6,667. For example, you already reported $33,333 in 2020, so you could amend 2020, reduce income by $6,666 and get an immediate tax refund.

Which is better? Neither is inherently better, at least to my thinking. It depends on your situation.

There is a specific tax form to use with spreads and repayments of CRDs. I will spare us the details for this discussion.

There you have it: the ropes to repaying a coronavirus-related distribution (CRD).

If you reflect, do you see the complexity Congress added to the tax Code? Multiply this provision by however many times Congress alters the Code every year, and you can see how we have gotten to the point where an average person is probably unable to prepare his/her own tax return.


Sunday, September 19, 2021

Receiving An IRS Lock-In Letter


A client recently picked up his personal tax return. He asked to see me.

There was tax due with the return. I thought he had adjusted his withholding to increase his take-home pay, as he had spoken to me of financial stress. I am not a fan of doing this, as tax is due whether one withholds or not.   

He could not have tax due with his return, he explained, as he had received a lock-in letter from the IRS.

There is something I do not often see.

There are two versions of the lock-in letter: one sent to the employee and another to the employer. The IRS is telling both that it wants additional withholding from each paycheck, commonly meaning single withholding with no dependents.

The lock-in surprised me, as my client is not one to game the system. What he did was fall behind on his taxes due to a failed business. There are liens – IRS and private - that he is working through.

The IRS sends the employee a letter informing him/her that his/her withholdings are too low. The IRS wants the employee to self-adjust by increasing their withholding.

If that fails, the IRS sends the employer a letter. An employer has 60 days from the date of the letter to unilaterally adjust the employee’s withholdings.

The employee can quit, but the lock is good for 12 months. The employee will have to go somewhere else for a year before returning if he/she wishes to avoid the lock.

The 60 days has two purposes:

(1)  To allow the employer time to make the changes, and 

(2)  To prompt the employee to contact the IRS. If so – and if the employee can persuade the IRS – the IRS may modify the lock.

If the employee keeps his/her nose clean, he/she can request the IRS remove the lock-in. Figure that it will take about three years of tax returns, however, so it is best to avoid the lock altogether.

The employer is extremely unlikely to buck the IRS, as the employer might then draw surrogate liability. One might be a valued employee, but one is not that valued. 

Let’s look at a case.

Charles G worked for Volvo Trucks North America (VTNA). He submitted a W-4 to VTNA claiming that he was exempt from income tax withholding. He also requested VTNA to stop withholding social security taxes.

VTNA was surprisingly tolerant. It spotted Charles a 99-dependent W-4 (affecting income tax withholding), although it could not do anything about the social security.

Charles went a couple of years or so before the IRS contacted him. He blew it off, so the IRS sent VTNA a lock-in letter.

Charles went ballistic.

Charles accused the IRS and VTNA of “acting in violation of the Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act (RICO).”

Wow. I wonder how it went come employee review time.

The Court of course dismissed Charles’ claim against VTNA. In general, an employer must follow an employee’s request concerning withholding. If the employee asserts that he/she is exempt from withholding, then the employer must comply with such request unless certain situations occur. A lock-in letter is one of those situations.

It sounds rather self-evident, truthfully.

It also sounds like Charles was a bit of a tax protestor. A word of advice: don’t go there with Charles. Your chances of success are between zero and none, and the list of dead bodies on that hill stretches interminably. Several years ago, we represented a business having an officer the IRS considered a protestor. I did not agree with the IRS on this, but I admit that he was getting close to the line.  The audit was … unpleasant. There was no question that school was in session, and the IRS was looking to teach a lesson.

Our case this time was Giles v Volvo Trucks of North America, 551 F. Supp 2nd 359.

Sunday, June 20, 2021

Downside Of Not Issuing 1099s

Let’s be honest: no one likes 1099s.

I get it. The government has conscripted us – business owners and their advisors – into unpaid volunteers for the IRS. Perhaps it started innocently enough, but with the passage of years and the accretion of reporting demands, information reporting has become a significant indirect tax on businesses.

It’s not going to get better. There is a proposal in the White House’s Green Book, for example, mandating banks to report gross deposit and disbursement account information to the Treasury.

Back to 1099s.

You see it all the time: one person pays another in cash with no intention – or ability – to issue a 1099 at year-end.

What can go wrong?


Let’s look at Adler v Commissioner as an example.

Peter Adler owned a consulting company. He had a significant client. He would travel for that client and be reimbursed for his expenses.

The accounting is simple: offset the travel expenses with the reimbursements. Common sense, as the travel expenses were passed-on to the client.

However, in one of the years Peter incurred expenses of approximately $44 thousand for construction work.

The Court wondered how a consultant could incur construction expenses.

Frankly, so do I.

For one reason or another Peter could not provide 1099s to the IRS.

One possible reason is that Peter made his checks out to a corporation. One is not required to issue 1099s to an incorporated business. Peter could present copies of the cancelled checks. He could then verify the corporate status of the payee on the secretary of state’s website.

Nah, I doubt that was the reason.

Another possibility is that Peter got caught deducting personal expenses. Let’s assume this was not the reason and continue our discussion.

A third possibility is that Peter went to the bank, got cash and paid whoever in cash. Paying someone in cash does not necessarily mean that you will not or cannot issue a 1099 at year-end, but the odds of this happening drop radically.

Peter had nothing he could give the Court. I suppose he could track down the person he paid cash and get a written statement to present the Court.

Rigghhhtttt ….

The Court did the short and sweet: they disallowed the deduction.

Could it get worse?

Fortunately for Peter, it ended there, but – yes – it can get worse.

What if the IRS said that you had an employee instead of a contractor? You are now responsible for withholdings, employer matching, W-2s and so on.

COMMENT: You can substitute “gig worker” for contractor, if you wish. The tax issues are the same.

Folks, depending upon the number of people and dollars involved, this could be a bankrupting experience.

Hold on CTG, say you. Isn’t there a relief provision when the IRS flips a contractor on you?

There are two.

I suspect you are referring to Section 530 relief.

It provides protection from an IRS flip (that is, contractor to employee) if three requirements are met:

1.    You filed the appropriate paperwork for the relationship you are claiming exists with the service provider.

2.    You must be consistent. If Joe and Harry do the same work, then you have to report Joe and Harry the same way.

3.    You have to have a reasonable basis for taking not treating the service provider as an employee. The construction industry is populated with contractors, for example.

You might be thinking that (3) above could have saved Peter.


But (1) above doomed him.


Because Peter should have issued a 1099. He had a business. A business is supposed to issue a 1099 to a service provider once payments exceed $600.

There was no Section 530 relief for Peter.

I will give you a second relief provision if the IRS flips a contractor on you. 

Think about the consequences of this for a second.

(1)  You were supposed to withhold federal income tax.

(2)  You were supposed to withhold social security.

(3)  You were supposed to match the social security.

(4)  You were supposed to remit those withholdings and your match to the IRS on a timely basis.

(5)  You were supposed to file quarterly employment reports accounting for the above.

(6)  You were supposed to issue W-2s to the employee at year-end.

(7)  You were supposed to send a copy of the W-2 to the Social Security Administration at year-end.

(8)  Payroll has some of the nastiest penalties in the tax Code.

This could be a business-shuttering event. I had a client several years ago who was faced with this scenario. The situation was complicated by fact that the IRS considered one of the owners to be a tax protestor. I personally did not think the owner merited protestor status, as he was not filing nonsense appeals with the IRS or filing delaying motions with the Tax Court. He was more …  not filing tax returns.  Nonetheless, I can vouch that the IRS was not humored.

Back to relief 2. Take a look at this bad boy:

§ 3509 Determination of employer's liability for certain employment taxes.

(a)  In general.

If any employer fails to deduct and withhold any tax under chapter 24 or subchapter A of chapter 21 with respect to any employee by reason of treating such employee as not being an employee for purposes of such chapter or subchapter, the amount of the employer's liability for-

(1)  Withholding taxes.

Tax under chapter 24 for such year with respect to such employee shall be determined as if the amount required to be deducted and withheld were equal to 1.5 percent of the wages (as defined in section 3401 ) paid to such employee.

(2)  Employee social security tax.

Taxes under subchapter A of chapter 21 with respect to such employee shall be determined as if the taxes imposed under such subchapter were 20 percent of the amount imposed under such subchapter without regard to this subparagraph .

Yes, you still owe federal income and social security, but it is a fraction of what it might have been. For example, you should have withheld 7.65% from the employee for social security. Section 3509(a)(2) gives you a break: the IRS will accept 20% of 7.65%, or 1.53%.

Is it great?

Well, no.

Might it be the difference between staying in business and closing your doors?

Well, yes.