Showing posts with label passthrough. Show all posts
Showing posts with label passthrough. Show all posts

Saturday, April 30, 2022

Basis Basics

I am looking at a case involving a basis limitation.

Earlier today I accepted a meeting invite with a new (at least to me) client who may be the poster child for poor tax planning when it comes to basis.

Let’s talk about basis – more specifically, basis in a passthrough entity.

The classic passthrough entities are partnerships and S corporations. The “passthrough” modifier means that the entity (generally) does not pay its own tax. Rather it slices and dices its income, deductions and credits among its owners, and the owners include their slice in their own respective tax returns.

Make money and basis is an afterthought.

Lose money and basis becomes important.


Because you can deduct your share of passthrough losses only to the extent that you have basis in the passthrough.

How in the world can a passthrough have losses that you do not have basis in?

Easy: it borrows money.

The tax issue then becomes: can you count your share of the debt as additional basis?

And we have gotten to one of the mind-blowing areas of passthrough taxation.  Tax planners and advisors bent the rules so hard back in the days of old-fashioned tax shelters that we are still reeling from the effect.

Let’s start easy.

You and I form a partnership. We both put in $10 grand.

What is our basis?

                                     Me             You

         Cash                  10,000       10,000                  


The partnership buys an office condo for $500 grand. We put $20 grand down and take a mortgage for the rest.

What is our basis?

                                     Me             You

         Cash                  10,000       10,000                  

         Mortgage        240,000       240,000

                                250,000       250,000

So we can each have enough basis to deduct $250,000 of losses from this office condo. Hopefully that won’t be necessary. I would prefer to make a profit and just pay my tax, thank you.

Let’s change one thing.

Let’s make it an S corporation rather than partnership.

What is our basis?

                                     Me             You

         Cash               10,000        10,000                   

         Mortgage             -0-              -0-

                                10,000        10,000


Welcome to tax law.

A partner in a general partnership gets to increase his/her basis by his/her allocable share of partnership debt. The rule can be different for LLC’s taxed as a partnership, but let’s not get out over our skis right now.       

When you and I are partners in a partnership, we get to add our share of the mortgage - $480,000 – to our basis.

S corporations tighten up that rule a lot. You and I get basis only for our direct loans to the S corporation. That mortgage is not a direct loan from us, so we do not get basis.

What does a tax planner do?

For one thing, he/she does not put an office condo in an S corporation if one expects it to throw off tax losses.

What if it has already happened?

I suppose you and I can throw cash into the S. I assure you my wife will not be happy with that sparkling tax planning gem.

I suppose we could refinance the mortgage in our own names rather than the corporate name.

That would be odd if you think about. We would have personal debt on a building we do not own personally.

Yeah, it is better not to go there.

The client meeting I mentioned earlier?

They took a partnership interest holding debt-laden real estate and put it inside an S corporation.

Problem: that debt doesn’t create basis to them in the S corporation. We have debt and no tax pop. Who advised this? Someone who should not work tax, I would say.

I am going to leverage our example to discuss what the Kohouts (our tax case this time) did that drew the Tax Court’s disapproval.               

Let’s go back to our S corporation. Let’s add a new fact: we owe someone $480,000. Mind you, you and I owe – not the S corporation. Whatever the transaction was, it has nothing to do with the S corporation.

We hatch the following plan.

We put in $240,000 each.

You: OK.

We then have the corporation pay the someone $480,000.

You: Hold up, won’t that reduce our basis when we cut the check?

Ahh, but we have the corporation call it a “loan” The corporation still has a $480,000 asset. Mind you, the asset is no longer cash. It is now a “loan.”  Wells Fargo and Fifth Third do it all the time.

You: Why would the corporation lend someone $480,000? Wells Fargo and Fifth Third are at least … well, banks.

You have to learn when to stop asking questions.

You: Are we going to have a delay between putting in the cash and paying - excuse me - “loaning” someone $480,000?

Nope. Same day, same time. Get it over with. Rip the band-aid.

You: Wouldn’t a Court have an issue with this if we get caught … errr … have the bad luck to get audited?

Segue to our court case.

In Kohout the Court considered a situation similar enough to our example. They dryly commented:

Courts evaluating a transaction for economic substance should exercise common sense …”

The Court said that all the money sloshing around could be construed as one economic transaction. As the money did not take even a breather in the S corporation, the Court refused to spot the Kohouts any increase in basis.

Our case this time was Kohout v Commissioner, T.C. Memo 2022-37.

Saturday, June 12, 2021

Literacy And Tax Penalties

I am looking at a Tax Court case.

It does not break any new ground, but there is a twist I do not remember seeing before.

Michael Torres and Elizabeth Ruzendall founded an S corporation (Water Warehouse).

In 2016 Michael found himself in a bad way health-wise. Elizabeth was around, though, even though she was no longer an owner. She ran the company in Michael’s absence.

It must have been a sweet gig, as Water Warehouse issued her a $166,494 Form 1099 for 2016.

Here is the oddball fact: Michael could not read or write. He was sick for so long, however, that he had time to learn.

Good for him.

In 2017 he came across the Form 1099. He could now read.

In 2018 he filed civil suit against Elizabeth.

Both the company’s and Michael’s personal 2016 tax returns were due in 2017. That did not happen, and both returns were filed in 2018.

Remember that an S corporation normally does not pay its own taxes. Instead, the S income would be included on Michael’s personal return, and he would pay tax on the sum.

Michael amended the 2016 S corporation return to subtract the $166,494 paid Elizabeth. Amended returns take an explanation, and it appears that the word “theft” may have come up.

As the corporate income went down, Michael’s personal income would simultaneously go down. Michael was now expecting a refund for 2016.

The IRS told him to pound sand.

And off to Court they went.

Embezzlement or theft are maddening topics in the tax Code.

A key question was whether a theft even occurred. When Elizabeth was running the show in 2016, Michael told her to take “what she felt was her pay.”

Be fair: Elizabeth could easily argue that she had done that.

Except she testified to taking the funds without Michael’s authorization.

And then you have the hurdles of the tax law itself.

The Code says that a theft is deductible when discovered.

Matthew discovered the theft in 2017.

He amended the 2016 corporate and personal tax returns.

That were due in 2017.

But filed late in 2018.

When was the theft discovered?

That would be 2017.

It cannot go on a 2016 return. It could go on a 2017 return, though.

Michael struck out. He claimed the theft a year early.

COMMENT: Once tax year 2016 became an issue with the IRS, he should have filed a protective claim for 2017. The purpose of the claim would be to keep the 2017 tax year open if the theft deduction in 2016 went against him.

The IRS however marched on: it wanted penalties.

I get it: he failed to file those 2016 returns on time.

However, the penalty can be abated for reasonable cause.

The Court said the IRS had reached too far. Michael had been sick for an extended period of time. He hired a new accountant upon learning of the 2016 issues. He taught himself to read and write. e taught himself to read and writeHe could now review his own accounting records rather than having to rely on others.


It sounded reasonable to the Court.

To me too.

This is the first time I can remember somebody receiving penalty abatement citing illiteracy.

However, it is probably more correct to say that Michael received abatement for becoming literate. I would say the Court liked him.

Our case this time was Torres v Commissioner, T.C. Memo 2021-66.

Sunday, August 9, 2020

Don’t Be A Jerk


I am looking at a case containing one of my favorite slams so far this year.

Granted, it is 2020 COVID, so the bar is lower than usual.

The case caught my attention as it begins with the following:

The Johnsons brought this suit seeking refunds of $373,316, $192,299, and $114,500 ….”

Why, yes, I would want a refund too.

What is steering this boat?

… the IRS determined that the Johnsons were liable for claimed Schedule E losses related to real estate and to Dr. Johnson’s business investments.”

Got it. The first side of Schedule E is for rental real estate, so I gather the doctor is landlording. The second side reports Schedules K-1 from passthroughs, so the doctor must be invested in a business or two.

There is a certain predictability that comes from reviewing tax cases over the years. We have rental real estate and a doctor.

COMMENT: Me guesses that we have a case involving real estate professional status. Why? Because you can claim losses without the passive activity restrictions if you are a real estate pro.

It is almost impossible to win a real estate professional case if you have a full-time gig outside of real estate.  Why? Because the test involves a couple of hurdles:

·      You have to spend at least 750 hours during the year in real estate activities, and

·      Those hours have to be more than ½ of hours in all activities.

One might make that first one, but one is almost certain to fail the second test if one has a full-time non-real-estate gig. Here we have a doctor, so I am thinking ….

Wait. It is Mrs. Johnson who is claiming real estate professional status.

That might work. Her status would impute to him, being married and all.

What real estate do they own?

They have properties near Big Bear, California.

These were not rented out. Scratch those.

There was another one near Big Bear, but they used a property management company to help manage it. One year they used the property personally.

Problem: how much is there to do if you hired a property management company? You are unlikely to rack-up a lot of hours, assuming that you are even actively involved to begin with.

Then there were properties near Las Vegas, but those also had management companies. For some reason these properties had minimal paperwork trails.

Toss up these softballs and the IRS will likely grind you into the dirt. They will scrutinize your time logs for any and every. Guess what, they found some discrepancies. For example, Mrs. Johnson had counted over 80 hours studying for the real estate exam.

Can’t do that. Those hours might be real-estate related, but the they are not considered operational hours - getting your hands dirty in the garage, so to speak. That hurt. Toss out 80-something hours and …. well, let’s just say she failed the 750-hour test.

No real estate professional status for her.

So much for those losses.

Let’s flip to the second side of the Schedule E, the one where the doctor reported Schedules K-1.

There can be all kinds of tax issues on the second side. The IRS will probably want to see the K-1s. The IRS might next inquire whether you are actually working in the business or just an investor – the distinction means something if there are losses. If there are losses, the IRS might also want to review whether you have enough money tied-up – that is, “basis” - to claim the loss. If you have had losses over several years, they may want to see a calculation whether any of that “basis” remains to absorb the current year loss.

 Let’s start easy, OK? Let’s see the K-1s.

The Johnson’s pointed to a 1000-plus page Freedom of Information request.

Here is the Court:

The Johnsons never provide specific citations to any information within this voluminous exhibit and instead invite the court to peruse it in its entirety to substantiate their arguments.”

Whoa there, guys! Just provide the K-1s. We are not here to make enemies.

Here is the Court:

It behooves litigants, particularly in a case with a record of this magnitude, to resist the temptation to treat judges as if they were pigs sniffing for truffles.”

That was a top-of-the-ropes body slam and one of the best lines of 2020.

The Johnsons lost across the board.

Is there a moral to this story?

Yes. Don’t be a jerk.

Our case this time was Johnson DC-Nevada, No 2:19-CV-674.

Sunday, December 15, 2019

Deducting State And Local Taxes On Your Individual Return

You probably already know about the change in the tax law for deducting state and local taxes on your personal return.

It used to be that you could itemize and deduct your state and local income taxes, as well as the real estate taxes on your house, without limitation.  Mind you, other restrictions may have kicked-in (such as the alternative minimum tax), but chances are you received some tax benefit from the deduction.

Then the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act put a $10,000 limit on the state income/local income/property tax itemized deduction.

Say for example that the taxes on your house are $5 grand and your state income taxes are $8 grand. The total is $13 grand, but the most you can deduct is $10 grand. The last $3 grand is wasted.

This is probably not problem if you live in Nevada, Texas or Florida, but it is likely a big problem if you live in California, New York, New Jersey or Connecticut.

There have been efforts in the House of Representatives to address this matter. One bill would temporarily raise the cap to $20,000 for married taxpayers before repealing the cap altogether for two years, for example.

The tax dollars involved are staggering. Even raising the top federal to 39.6% (where it was before the tax law change) to offset some of the bill’s cost still reduces federal tax receipts by over $500 billion over the next decade.

There are also political issues: The Urban-Brookings Tax Policy Center ranked the 435 Congressional districts on the percentage of households claiming the SALT (that is, state and local tax) deduction in 2016. Nineteen of the top 20 districts are controlled by Democrats. You can pretty much guess how this will split down party lines.

Then the you have the class issues: approximately two-thirds of the benefit from repealing the SALT cap would go to households with annual incomes over $200,000. Granted, these are the people who pay the taxes to begin with, but the point nonetheless makes for a tough sell.

And irrespective of what the House does, the Senate has already said they will not consider any such bill.

Let’s go over what wiggle room remains in this area. For purposes of our discussion, let’s separate state and local property taxes from state and local income taxes.

Property Taxes

The important thing to remember about the $10,000 limitation is that it addresses your personal taxes, such as your primary residence, your vacation home, property taxes on your car and so on.

Distinguish that from business-related property taxes.

If you are self-employed, have rental real estate, a farm or so on, those property taxes are considered related to that business activity. So what? That means they attach to that activity and are included wherever that activity is reported on your tax return. Rental real estate, for example, is reported on Schedule E. The real estate taxes are reported with the rental activity on Schedule E, not as itemized deductions on Schedule A. The $10,000 cap applies only to the taxes reported as itemized deductions on your Schedule A.

Let me immediately cut off a planning “idea.” Forget having the business/rental/farm pay the taxes on your residence. This will not work. Why? Because those taxes do not belong to the business/rental/farm, and merely paying them from the business/rental/farm bank account does not make them a business/rental/farm expense.
State and Local Income Taxes

State and local income taxes do not follow the property tax rule. Let’s say you have a rental in Connecticut. You pay income taxes to Connecticut. Reasoning from the property tax rule, you anticipate that the Connecticut income taxes would be reported along with the real estate taxes when you report the rental activity on your Schedule E.

You would be wrong.


Whereas the income taxes are imposed on a Connecticut activity, they are assessed on you as an individual. Connecticut does not see that rental activity as an “tax entity” separate from you. No, it sees you. With that as context, state and local income tax on activities reported on your individual tax return are assessed on you personally. This makes them personal income taxes, and personal income taxes are deducted as itemized deductions on Schedule A.

It gets more complicated when the income is reported on a Schedule K-1 from a “passthrough” entity. The classic passthrough entities include a partnership, LLC or S corporation. The point of the passthrough is that the entity (generally) does not pay tax itself. Rather, it “passes through” its income to its owners, who include those numbers with their personal income on their individual income tax returns.

What do you think: are state and local income taxes paid by the passthrough entity personal taxes to you (meaning itemized deductions) or do they attach to the activity and reported with the activity (meaning not itemized deductions)?

Unfortunately, we are back (in most cases) to the general rule: the taxes are assessed on you, making the taxes personal and therefore deductible only as an itemized deduction.

This creates a most unfavorable difference between a corporation that pays its own tax (referred to as a “C” corporation) and one that passes through its income to its shareholders (referred to as an “S” corporation).

The C corporation will be able to deduct its state and local income taxes until the cows come home, but the S corporation will be limited to $10,000 per shareholder.

Depending on the size of the numbers, that might be sufficient grounds to revoke an S corporation election and instead file and pay taxes as a C corporation.

Is it fair? As we have noted before on this blog, what does fair have to do with it?

We ran into a comparable situation a few years ago with an S corporation client. It had three shareholders, and their individual state and local tax deduction was routinely disallowed by the alternative minimum tax.  This meant that there was zero tax benefit to any state and local taxes paid, and the company varied between being routinely profitable and routinely very profitable. The SALT tax deduction was a big deal.

We contacted Georgia, as the client had sizeable jobs in Georgia, and we asked whether they could – for Georgia purposes – file as a C corporation even though they filed their federal return as an S corporation. Georgia was taken aback, as we were the first or among the first to present them with this issue.

Why did we do this?

Because a C corporation pays its own tax, meaning that the Georgia taxes could be deducted on the federal S corporation return. We could sidestep that nasty itemized deduction issue, at least with Georgia.

Might the IRS have challenged our treatment of the Georgia taxes?

Sure, they can challenge anything. It was our professional opinion, however, that we had a very strong argument. Who knows: maybe CTG would even appear in the tax literature and seminar circuit.  While flattering, this would have been a bad result for us, as the client would not have appreciated visible tax controversy. We would have won the battle and lost the war.

However, the technique is out there and other states are paying attention, given the new $10,000 itemized deduction limitation. Connecticut, for example, has recently allowed its passthroughs to use a variation of the technique we used with Georgia.

I suspect many more states will wind up doing the same.

Sunday, August 12, 2018

The New Qualified Business Deduction

I spent a fair amount last week looking over the new IRS Regulations on the qualified business deduction. It was a breezy and compact 184 pages, although it reads longer than that.

I debated blogging on this topic. While one of the most significant tax changes in decades, the deduction is difficult to discuss without tear-invoking side riffs. 

But – if you are in business and you are not a “C” corporation (that is, the type that pays its own taxes) - you need to know about this new deduction.

Let’s swing the bat:

1.    This is a business deduction. It is 20% of something. We will get back to what that something is.

2.    There historically has been a spread between C-corporation tax rates and non-C-corporation tax rates. It is baked into the system, and tax advisors have gotten comfortable understanding its implications. The new tax law rattled the cage by reducing the C-corporation tax rate to 21%. Without some relief for non-C-corporation entities, lawyers and accountants would have had their clients folding their S corporation, partnership and LLC tents and moving them to C-corporation campgrounds.

3.    It is sometimes called a “passthrough” deduction, but that is a misnomer. It is more like a non-C-corporation deduction. A sole proprietorship can qualify, as well as rentals, farms and traditional passthroughs like S corporations, LLCs and partnerships. Heck even estates and trusts are in on the act.

4.    But not all businesses will qualify. There are two types of businesses that will not qualify:
a.     Believe it or not, in the tax world your W-2 job is considered a trade or business. It is the reason that you are allowed to deduct your business mileage (at least, before 2018 you were). Your W-2 however will not qualify for purposes of this deduction.
b.    Certain types of businesses are not invited to the party: think doctors, dentists, lawyers, accountants and similar. Think of them as the “not too cool” crowd.
                                                   i.There is however a HUGE exception.

5.   Congress wanted you to have skin in the game in order to get this 20% deduction. Skin initially meant employees, so to claim this deduction you needed Payroll. At the last moment Congress also allowed somebody with substantial Depreciable Property to qualify, as some businesses are simply not set-up with a substantial workforce in mind. If you do not have Payroll or Depreciable Property, however, you do not get to play.
a.     But just like (4)(b) above, there is a HUGE exception.

6.   Let’s set up the HUGE exception:
a.     If you do not have Payroll or Depreciable Property, you do not get to play.
b.    If you are one of “those businesses” - doctors, dentists, lawyers, accountants and similar - you do not get to play.
c.     Except …
                                                   i. … if your income is below certain limits, you still get to play.
                                                 ii. The limit is $157,500 for non-marrieds and $315,000 for marrieds.
                                              iii. Hit the limit and you provoke math:
1.    If you are non-married, there is a phase-out range of $50 grand. Get to $207,500 and you are asked to leave.
2.    If you are married, double the range to $100 grand; at $415,000 you too have to leave.
                                               iv. Let’s consider an easy example: A married dentist with household taxable income of less than $315,000 can claim the passthrough deduction, as long as the income is not from a W-2.
1.    At $415,000 that dentist cannot claim anything and has to leave.
                                                 v. Depending on the fact pattern, the mathematics are like time-travelling to a Led Zeppelin concert. The environment is familiar, but everything has a disorienting fog about it.
1.    Why?
a.     The not-too-cool crowd has to leave the party once they get to $207,500/$415,000.
b.    Simultaneously, the too-cool crowd has to ante-up either Payroll and/or Depreciable Property as they get to $207,500/$415,000. There is no more automatic invitation just because their income is below a certain level.
c.     And both (a) and (b) are going on at the same time.
                                                                                                               i.     While not Stairway to Heaven, the mathematics are … interesting.

7.    The $207,500/$415,000 entertainment finally shows up: Payroll and Depreciable Property. Queue the music.
a.     The deduction starts at 20% of the specific trade or business’s net profit.
b.    It can go down. Here is how:
                                                   i. You calculate half of your Payroll.
                                                 ii. You calculate one-quarter of your Payroll and add 2.5% of your Depreciable Assets.
                                              iii. You take the bigger number.
                                               iv. You are not done. You next take that number and compare it to the 20% number from (a).
                                                 v. Take the smaller number.
c.     You are not done yet.
                                                   i. Take your taxable income without the passthrough deduction, whatever that deduction may someday be. May we live long enough.
                                                 ii. If you have capital gains included in your taxable income, there is math. In short, take out the capital gain. Bad capital gain.
                                              iii. Take what’s left and multiply by 20%.
                                               iv. Compare that number to (7)(b)(v).
1.    Take the smaller number.

8.    Initially one was to do this calculation business by business.
a.     Tax advisors were not looking forward to this.
b.    The IRS last week issued Regulations allowing one to combine trades or businesses (within limits, of course).
                                                   i. And tax advisors breathed a collective sigh of relief.
c.     But not unsurprisingly, the IRS simultaneously took away some early planning ideas that tax advisors had come up with.
                                                   i. Like “cracking” a business between the too-cool and not-too-cool crowds.  

And there is a high-altitude look at the new qualified business deduction.

If you have a non-C-corporation business, hopefully you have heard from your tax advisor. If you have not, please call him/her. This new deduction really is a big deal.

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

WSJ article "More Firms Enjoy Tax-Free Status”

I read this today on The Wall Street Journal:
Sixty-nine percent U.S. companies were organized as pass-throughs, or nontaxable organizations, in 2008, compared with 24% in 1986, according to data from the Internal Revenue Service. Members of Congress and the business community disagree on whether the exemption should change. Increasingly, traditional for-profit companies are at a competitive disadvantage against pass-throughs.
The article title is “More Firms Enjoy Tax-Free Status.”
Here is a gripe: it is misleading nonsense to refer to passthroughs as tax-free or nontaxable. Passthroughs are partnerships, LLCs and S corporations, and generally their income is allocated to and reported by their owners and partners. For Kruse & Crawford clients, this means that the passthrough income is reported on one or more individual income tax returns. It is there that tax is calculated and paid. Client tax estimates are due, and we are presently working on several estimates due on January 16th.  I stayed here late last night working on something the Wall Street Journal says is nontaxable and apparently not “for profit.”
If passthroughs are “nontaxable” or not “for profit,” then this tax guy has missed the boat for more than two decades.