Showing posts with label willful. Show all posts
Showing posts with label willful. Show all posts

Saturday, April 20, 2024

Embezzlement And A Payroll Tax Penalty

It has been about a month since I last posted.

To (re)introduce myself, I am a practicing tax CPA. I like to think practice allows a certain reality check on topics we discuss here. I am hesitant to discuss topics I do not work with or have not worked with for a long time. On the other hand, I can be acerbic while bloviating within my wheelhouse. I have strong opinions, for example, with IRS administration of “reasonable cause” relief for certain penalties. Here is one: work someone 80, 90 or more hours per week, deprive him/her of adequate rest, maintain the stress meter at redline, and ... stuff ... just ... happens. Maybe - if we had a government union to drag high achievers down to the level of the common spongers - then stuff would stop happening.

The downside is that this blog is maintained by a practicing CPA, and we just finished busy season.

Let’s ease back into it.

Let’s talk about the big boy penalty - the BBP.

There are penalties when someone fails to remit withheld payroll taxes to the IRS. It makes sense when you think about it. Your employer withholds 6.2% of your gross paycheck for social security and another 1.45% for Medicare. Your employer is also withholding federal income tax. All that is your money - your employer is acting only as a go-between - and not remitting the tax to the IRS is tantamount to stealing from you. And from the IRS.

I have seen it many times over the years. Sometimes still do. Not grievous stuff like Madoff, but nonetheless happening when a business is laboring.

I get it: the business is doing the best it can. I am not saying it is right, but growing up includes acknowledging that a lot of things are not right.

The BBP is a 100% penalty on the withheld employee taxes.

You read that right: 100 percent.

It applies if you are a “responsible person.” That makes sense to me if you are the big cheese at the Provolone factory, but the IRS has been known to consider ordinary Joe’s – somebody stuck at a miserable job for a needed paycheck before another job allows an escape – to be responsible persons. A common thread is that someone has the authority to write checks, meaning the person can decide where the money (however limited) goes. Sounds great in a classroom, but it can lead to stupid in the real world.

Let’s look at Rodney Taylor.

He has degrees in political science, speech, and theater. He is multilingual. He has worked domestically and internationally. He now owns a management company called Taylor & Co.

He says that he suffers from a limited learning disability, one involving mathematics.

Couldn’t tell, but I believe him.

Over the years he delegated much of his financial stuff to professionals such as Robert Gard, his CPA.


Gard embezzled between one and two million dollars from Taylor. Some of those monies were earmarked as payroll tax deposits.

Gard had a heart attack during a meeting when his fraud was unearthed. It appears that Taylor is a good sort, as Gard survived and attributed his survival to actions Taylor immediately took in response to the heart attack.

And next we read about the lawsuits. And the insurance companies. And banks. And insurance reimbursements. You know the storyline.

While all of this was happening, Taylor paid himself a $77 thousand bonus.

STOP! Pay it back. Immediately. Not Kidding.

Taylor transferred funds from the company’s bank account to a new something he was launching.


You know the IRS had a BBP issue here.

Taylor argued that he could not be a responsible person, as he was embezzled. He had difficulties with mathematical concepts. He hired people to do stuff.

I do not know who was advising Taylor - if anyone - but he lost the plot.

  • Taylor owed the IRS.
  • Taylor was CEO, hired and fired, controlled the financial affairs of the company, and made the decision to sue Gard. He couldn’t be any more responsible if he tried.
  • Meanwhile, Taylor diverted money to himself while still owing the IRS.

The IRS gets snarky when you prioritize yourself when you still owe back payroll taxes.

Bam! Big boy penalty.

Yeah, and rain is wet.

Sometimes it … is … just … obvious.

Our case this time was Taylor v Commissioner, T.C. Memo 2024-33.

Sunday, November 5, 2023

Another Runaway FBAR Case


Let’s talk about the FBAR (Report of Foreign Bank and Financial Accounts). It currently goes by the name “FinCen Form 114.”

This thing has been with us since 1970. It came to life as an effort to identify foreign financial transactions that might indicate money laundering or tax evasion. 

Sounds benign.

The filing requirement applies to a United States person, defined as

·      A citizen or resident of the U.S.

·      A domestic partnership

·      A domestic corporation

·      A domestic trust or estate

 We’ll come back that first one in a moment.

Next, one needs a financial interest or signature authority in a foreign financial account to trigger this thing.

A foreign financial account includes a bank account, which is easy enough to understand. It would also include a broker account (think Charles Schwab, but overseas). Some are not so intuitive, though.

·      A foreign insurance policy with cash value is reportable.

·      A foreign hedge fund is not.

·      A foreign annuity policy is reportable.

·      A foreign private equity fund is not.

·      A foreign cryptocurrency account is not reportable.

Some require a google search to understand what is being said.

·      A Canadian registered retirement savings plan is reportable.

·      A Mexican fondo para retiro is reportable.

Next, the foreign financial account has to exceed a certain dollar balance ($10,000) at some point during the year.

That $10,000 balance has been there for as long as I can remember. You will have a hard time persuading me that $10,000 in 1986 is the same as $10,000 now, but that number is apparently eternal and unchanging.

The $10,000 is tested across all foreign financial accounts. If it takes your fourth foreign account to put you over $10 grand, then you are over. Testing is done. All your accounts are reportable on a FBAR.

Like so many things, the FBAR started with reasonable intentions but has morphed into something near unrecognizable.

Fail to file an FBAR and the standard penalty is $10 grand. Fail to file for two years and the penalty is $20 grand. Have two foreign accounts and fail to file for two years and the penalty is $40 grand.

And that is assuming the error is unintentional. Do it on purpose and I presume they will execute you.

I exaggerate, of course. They will just bankrupt you.

It puts a lot of pressure on defining “on purpose.”

Let’s look at Osamu Kurotaki (OK).

OK was born in Japan and lives in Japan. He obtained a U.S. green card, making him a U.S. permanent resident. One of the pleasures of being a permanent resident is filing an annual tax return with the United States, irrespective of whether you live in the U.S. or not. One can talk about a foreign income exclusion or foreign tax credit – which is fine – but that annual filing makes sense only if someone intends to eventually return to the U.S. It does not make as much sense if someone does not intend to return, someone like OK.

OK paid someone to prepare his annual U.S. tax return. He found a CPA who was bilingual.

In 2021 the U.S. Treasury assessed civil penalties against OK for more than $10 million. His footfall? He failed to file FBARs. Treasury also upped the ante by saying that his failure was “willful.”


Treasury is requesting summary judgement that OK willfully failed to file FBARs, prefers waffle over sugar cones and rooted for the Diamondbacks in the World Series. 

The Court wanted to know how Treasury climbed the ladder to get to that “willful” step.

So do I.

Here is what the Court saw:

·      OK is a Japanese speaker and does not speak English “at all.”

·      OK relied on his bilingual CPA to make sense of U.S. tax filing obligations.

·      His CPA provided annual tax questionnaires in both English and Japanese. The English was for theater, I suppose, as OK could not read English.

·      The CPA’s translation now becomes critical. Here are instructions to the FBAR in English:

U.S. taxpayers are required to report their worldwide income; that is, income from both U.S. and foreign sources.”

·      Here is the Japanese translation:

U.S. resident taxpayers are required to report their worldwide income, that is, income from both US. and foreign sources."

OK told the Court that he did not think he had a filing obligation because he was not a “U.S. resident.”

I get it. He lives in Japan. He works in Japan. His kids go to school in Japan. He is as much a “U.S. resident” as I am a Nepalese Sherpa.

Except …

OK was green card – that is, a “permanent” resident of the U.S.

Technically …

The Court cut OK some slack. Technically - and in a law school vacuum - he was a “resident.” Meanwhile - in the real world – no one would think that. Furthermore, OK hired a CPA who made a mistake. Even a trained professional erred interpreting the Treasury’s word salad. 

The Court said “no” to summary judgement.

Treasury will have to argue its $10 million-plus proposed penalty.

And I believe the Court just outlined reasonable cause.

Perhaps OK should consider turning in that green card. 

Our case this time was Osamu Kurotaki v United States, U.S. District Court, District of Hawaii.


Sunday, March 20, 2022

IRS Wants Near $9 Million Penalty From A Holocaust Survivor


I’ll tell you what caught my eye:

This is a tax case in which the Government alleges that Defendant Walter Schik, a Holocaust survivor, failed to file a foreign bank account reporting form with the Internal Revenue Service …, which now seeks by this action to collect an almost nine-million-dollar civil penalty assessed against him for that failure.”

There are so many things wrong with that sentence.

Let’s talk about Form TD F 90-22.1, also known as the FBAR (“Eff- Bar”). The form existed before I took my first course in accounting years ago, but it has gathered steam and interest when Treasury started to chase overseas bank accounts during the aughts. If one has a foreign account, or has authority over a foreign account, which exceeds $10,000 during the taxable year, one is required to disclose on one’s individual income tax return (on Schedule B) and file Form TD F 9-22.1 with the Treasury.

Up to this point, it is just another form to file. We are drowning in forms, so what is the big deal?

The deal is the penalties for not filing the form. Let’s separate not filing the form because you did not know you had to file from knowing you had to file but deciding not to. That second one is considered “willful” (which makes sense) and can cost you a penalty from $100,000 to 50% of the account balance at the time of violation.

This is VERY expensive money.

The IRS assessed a penalty of almost $9 million against Schik for failure to file an FBAR.

Some background:

·      Mr Schik is a Holocaust survivor.

·      His education was cut short by, how shall we say this …, being in a concentration camp.

·      After the war, he immigrated to the U.S. and became a citizen.

·      After becoming a citizen, he opened a Swiss bank account where he deposited monies recovered from relatives who were slaughtered during the Holocaust.

·      He left the monies in Switzerland as he was fearful that another Holocaust-like event could occur.

·      Schik did not touch or manage the money. That was done by his son and a Swiss money manager.

·      Schik did talk with the money manager occasionally, though.

·      By 2017 one of those Swiss accounts had over $15 million.

·      His accountant never asked Schik if he had overseas bank accounts or explained the recently heightened IRS interest in the area.

I am sympathetic with the accountant. What are the odds of having a client who is a Holocaust survivor and having over $15 million in a Swiss bank account? One could go a career. I have.

The year at issue is 2007. There is a question on the individual tax return whether one has an interest or signature authority over a foreign bank account. Schik’s accountant answered it “No.” Schik did not correct his accountant. More fairly, Schik did not even notice the question.

Wouldn’t you know that Schik’s Swiss money manager got pulled into the UBS investigation?

UBS entered into a deferred prosecution arrangement with the United States. It however had to provide identities of U.S. citizens and residents who were customers of the bank.

At which point Schik submitted a voluntary disclosure to the IRS.

Which the IRS denied.

Without an alternative, Schik submitted a late FBAR.

The IRS then slapped the 50% penalty we are talking about.

Which brings us up to speed.

The penalty requires one’s behavior to be “willful.” Not surprisingly, the word has specific meaning under the law, and the Court evaluated whether Schik’s behavior was willful.

Treasury argued that “willful” means “objectively reckless.”

Got it. Ignoring an issue to an extreme degree is the same as knowing and not caring.

Schik argued that willful means “intentional disregard.”

The difference?

Schik argued that the underlying law was opaque, long-ignored and now quickly – if somewhat capriciously – conscripted into action. He no more intentionally disregarded his tax reporting obligations than he intentionally disregarded the newest developments in cosmological galaxy formation. There was no conspiracy by hundred-year-old Holocaust survivors: he just didn’t know.

And such is tax law. Nine million dollars hangs on the meaning of a word.

The Court noted that other courts – relying on records similar to those available to it - have found willfulness.

Not good for Schik. 

However, the Court was concerned about the many countervailing factors:

·      Schik was nearly 100 years old.

·      Schik had minimal formal education.

·      Schik did not manage the money.

·      Schik did not prepare his own tax returns.

·      Schik had no idea about a disclosure requirement.

·      Schik’s accountant did not explain the disclosure requirement.

·      The question answered “No” was pre-filled by the accountant’s software and did not represent any assertion made by Schik.

The Court denied the IRS summary judgement, noting there was a substantial question of fact.

I agree.

Who will review and clarify the facts?

“The Court believes that the Parties in this case would benefit from mediation. By separate order the Court will refer the Parties to the Southern District of New York’s Mediation Program. … the assigned District Judge … may determine that a case is appropriate for mediation and may order that case to mediation, with or without the consent of the parties.”

Methinks the IRS should just have allowed the voluntary disclosure.  

Was the IRS encouraging compliance, promoting education and providing a ramp to enter/reenter the tax system? Or is this something else, something with the purpose of terrifying the next person?

Our case this time was United States of America v Walter Schik, 20-cv-02211 (MKV)