Showing posts with label wage. Show all posts
Showing posts with label wage. Show all posts

Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Dealing With A Tax Levy

We recently spoke about IRS liens. Let’s continue the conversation and talk about levies.

A levy taps into our primal fear of the IRS. This is where they come and take your checking account, repossess your car and sell your house. You get behind on your taxes and you get to relive the Grapes of Wrath.

Rest assured that your fear of losing your car and your house are greatly overblown. Your fear of losing your checking account may not be, however.

How did you get to this point? 

Somewhere in the recent past, the IRS sent you a notice – actually, a series of escalating notices. An early one may have read something like:

According to our records, you have an amount due on your income tax.”

There will be several notices, increasing in intensity. It is likely that you ignored them. Perhaps you just knew that their numbers were wrong. Perhaps you were broke and had nothing to send. Whatever the case, the one thing you failed to do was talk to them. 

Eventually you will receive the CP 504 letter (“Intent to Seize Your Property or Rights to Property”), where the IRS says that they intend to intercept your state tax refund. The notice also allows IRS to increase your penalties, but it is the state refund that catches people’s attention. Not that much attention, though. I do not get too many calls on a 504. Chances are if you are behind on federal taxes, you are behind on state taxes too.

The 504 is the demarcation line when your account leaves Automated Collections. You are now moving to regular Collections. The 504 is also the last notice before the IRS sends Form CP 90 “Final Notice of Intent to Levy and Notice of Your Right to a Hearing.” 

If you have a CP 90, you have serious business. The IRS will send it certified mail to your last known address, so if you have moved – especially if you did not file returns – you may not even know that this notice went out. The IRS has to go through certain hoops before it can levy, and this notice is key. You have 30 days to claim a Collection Due Process Hearing. If the IRS moves against you without issuing a Final Notice, or before the 30 days are up, you can stop them. If you claim a CDP Hearing, you can present your side of the story.

What if the 30 days pass?

One thing the IRS can then do is levy your bank account. How do they know your bank account information? One way is pretty simple: you had your refunds electronically deposited to your bank account. They can still get to that information otherwise, but electronic transfer made things easier for them. A bank levy is a one-time shot. The IRS instructs the bank to turn over whatever you have in your account as of a given date. The bank has 21 days before they have to turn over the money. There are important points we should review:

·        It is 21 days from when the bank received the notice, not the date of the notice.
·        The levy amount is your balance when the bank received the notice. If you deposit money later, that later deposit will not go to the IRS.
·        If the IRS wants that later deposit, it will have to issue another levy.

My experience has been that banks may not be overly concerned with informing you about the levy. Odds are that you will have less than 21 days before you find out, unless you attempted to withdraw funds or some similar action shortly after the bank received the levy. I have had clients who learned about the levy after the 21 days ran off. Let me tell you, there is almost no chance of getting that money returned when that happens.

Another thing the IRS can do is a wage levy. The IRS contacts your employer and tells him/her to send money. IRS Publication 1494 has tables telling you and your employer how much of your money you get to keep. For example, if you are divorced with two kids and are paid monthly, you keep $1,720. The balance goes to the IRS. The upside is that the $1,720 is after taxes, health insurance and whatnot. The downside is that you and your two kids might not be able to live on $1,720 per month.

It gets worse. The wage levy is continuous. It need not be reissued like a bank levy. People have quit their jobs over a wage levy. There isn’t much an employer can do. If your employer refuses to remit the money from your paycheck, then he/she is personally liable to remit the money from his or her own funds. Good luck finding an employer who will do that for you.

Can the IRS levy monies you receive as an independent contractor? You bet. Can it levy your social security? Yes, up to 15 percent. Can it go after your PayPal? Surely, you jest. Of course they can.

What about your house and car? Not so much. Let’s go over some statistics to put your mind at ease. In 2011, the IRS issued almost 3.8 million third-party levies. The IRS seized less than 800 houses, cars and other personal property. The IRS does not want the hassle of taking and selling your property. It wants cash.  It does not want your car, unless your car is a late-model Ferrari or something of the sort. In fact, if you have minimal equity in the asset, the IRS is prohibited from taking the asset from you.

Alright, you have received a Final Notice. What do you do next?

First, be aware of time. Remember that you have 30 days. Use it.

File a collection appeal. This will temporarily pull you away from the part of the IRS that is trying to collect and puts you in another part that will hear your case. How long is temporary? Figure on about 4 to 6 months before your hearing. 

Be ready to talk about a payment at the hearing, though, because that is where Appeals will take the conversation. They will ask for full payment immediately, the same way my dog is always hopeful I have brought her home a hamburger or something similarly tasty. 

What if you are truly broke? Then the IRS may place your account on “cannot collect” status. This means that you are so broke that you cannot make a payment, any payment. How can that happen? Let’s say that you could not pay rent if the IRS wiped-out your checking account. Perhaps you could not pay for necessary prescriptions. The term is “hardship,” and they will consider this. 

What if the taxes belong to your ex-spouse from a year when you filed a joint tax return? An innocent spouse claim will get the IRS to stay collection.

What if you file an offer in compromise? An offer will get the IRS to stay collection.

What if the IRS assessed you without your knowledge? Let me give you an example. I represented a client whose wife passed away. He received IRS notices when she became gravely ill, and upon her death he retreated from the world for a year or more. The IRS – not hearing from him – made adjustments and assessed all kinds of taxes and penalties. What did we do? We requested a reconsideration, which is also a way to stay collection.

Then we get to a payment plan. The particular type of plan depends on how much you owe. If you owe less than $50 thousand, you can request a “streamlined” plan. You promise to pay the IRS over 6 years, which translates into a maximum of $694 per month ($50,000 divided by 72). It is called streamlined because you get to submit minimal information to the IRS. This is a big deal, as the normal paperwork can be a pain. 

Let’s say that you owe over $50 thousand. You will now be submitting financial information, including bank statements and copies of bills, to the IRS. The IRS will apply “standards” to your expenses, and if your expenses exceed those standards they may (and likely will) disallow the excess. I have been through this exercise many times, and I can assure you in advance that the IRS’ calculation of what you can pay is more than what you think you can pay. You likely will be saying goodbye to your I Phone data package, your satellite TV, the leased car you really cannot afford and so on. The IRS does not want to subsidize your lifestyle. 

There may be variations in your particular payment plan. A standard payment plan requires you to pay-off the IRS over time. What if you cannot? The IRS may agree to a “partial pay” plan, which means that the plan will not completely pay-off the IRS unless the plan payment or plan term is changed. In my experience, I have had to go to Appeals to get this plan, but I have gotten it. 

Another possibility is to file bankruptcy. Although a last resort, a bankruptcy results in a “stay” of all credit actions, including the IRS.

What if you miss the 30-day window on the Final Notice? Not all is lost. You can still request a hearing, now called an “equivalency” hearing. You still get Appeals involved, but the IRS does not have to delay collection action – including bank levy or wage garnishment - until the hearing.

Depending on your situation, consider a tax professional. You want an attorney or CPA who specializes in taxes. As a heads up, most CPAs and attorneys do not specialize in taxes. Another alternative is an Enrolled Agent, who – by definition – specializes in taxes. Be sure to clarify whether they have done tax representation before.  One can “do taxes” and have never represented. It really is two different things, and you do not need to pay someone while they learn the ropes.