Showing posts with label indirect. Show all posts
Showing posts with label indirect. Show all posts

Sunday, May 12, 2024

The Skip Tax - Part Two


How does one work with the skip?

In my experience, the skip is usually the realm of the tax attorneys, although that is not to say the tax CPA does not have a role. The reason is that most skips involve trusts, and trusts are legal documents. CPAs cannot create legal documents. However, let that trust age a few decades, and it is possible that the next set of eyes to notice a technical termination or taxable distribution will be the CPA.

Let’s pause for a moment and talk about the annual exclusion and lifetime exemption.

The gift tax has an annual exclusion of $18,000 per donee per year. There is also a (combined gift and estate tax) lifetime exemption of $13.6 million per person. If you gift more than $18 grand to someone, you start carving into that $13.6 million lifetime exemption.

The skip tax has the same exclusion and exemption limits as the gift tax.

The problem is that a gift and a skip may not happen at the same time.

Let’s take two examples.

(1)  A direct skip

That is the proverbial gift to the grandchild. Let’s say that it well over $18 grand, so you must file a return with the IRS.

You gift her a $100 grand.

The gift is complete, so you file Form 709 (the gift tax return) with your individual tax return next year.

The transfer immediately dropped at least two generations, so the skip is complete. You complete the additional sections in Form 709 relating to skips. You claim the annual exclusion of $18 grand, and you apply some of the $13.6 million exemption to cover the remaining $82 grand.

Done. Directs skips are easy.

(2)  An indirect skip

Indirects are another way of saying trusts.

Remember we discussed that there is a scenario (the taxable termination) where the trust itself is responsible for the skip tax. However, there is no skip tax until the exemption is exhausted. The skip may not occur for years, even decades, down the road. How is one to know if any exemption remains?

Enter something called the “inclusion ratio.”

Let’s use an example.

(1)  You fund a trust with $16 million, and you have $4 million of (skip) lifetime exemption remaining. 

(2)  The skip calculates a ratio for this trust.

4 divided by 16 is 25%.

Seems to me that you have inoculated 25% of that trust against GST tax.

(3)  Let’s calculate another ratio.

1 minus 25% is 75%.

This is called the inclusion ratio.

It tells you how much of that trust will be exposed to the skip tax someday.

(4)  Calculate the tax. 

Let’s say that the there is a taxable termination when the trust is worth $20 million.

$20 million times 75% equals $15 million.

$15 million is exposed to the skip tax.

Let’s say the skip tax rate is 40% for the year the taxable termination occurs.

The skip tax is $6 million.

That trust is permanently tainted by that inclusion ratio.

Now, in practice this is unlikely to happen. The attorney or CPA would instead create two trusts: one for $4 million and another for $11 million. The $4 million trust would be allocated the entire remaining $4 million exemption. The ratio for this trust would be as follows:

                       4 divided by 4 equals 1

                       1 minus 1 equals -0-.

                       The inclusion ratio is zero.

                       This trust will never have skip tax.

What about the second trust with $11 million?

You have no remaining lifetime exemption.

The second trust will have an inclusion ratio of one.

There will be skip tax on 100% of something in the future.


Yep, but what are you going to do?

In practice, these are sometimes called Exempt and Nonexempt trusts, for the obvious reason.

Reflecting, you will see that a direct skip does not have an equivalent to the “inclusion ratio.” The direct skip is easier to work with.

A significant issue involved with allocating is missing the issue and not allocating at all.

Does it happen?

Yes, and a lot. In fact, it happens often enough that the Code has default allocations, so that one does not automatically wind up having trusts with inclusion ratios of one.

But the default may not be what you intended. Say you have $5 million in lifetime exemption remaining. You simultaneously create two trusts, each for $5 million. What is that default going to do? Will it allocate the $5 million across both trusts, meaning that both trusts have an inclusion ratio of 50%? That is probably not what you intended. It is much more likely that you intend to allocate to only one trust, giving it an inclusion ratio of zero.

There is another potential problem.

The default does not allocate until it sees a “GST trust.”

What is a GST trust?

It is a trust that can have a skip with respect to the transferor unless one or more of six exceptions apply.

OK, exceptions like what?

Exception #1 – “25/46” exception. The trust instrument provides that more than twenty-five percent (25%) of the trust principal must be distributed (or may be withdrawn) by one or more persons who are non-skip persons before that individual reaches age forty-six (46) (or by a date that will occur or under other circumstances that are likely to occur before that individual reaches age forty-six (46)) (IRC §2632(c)(3)(B)(i)).”

Here is another:

Exception #2 – “25/10” exception. The trust instrument provides that more than twenty-five percent (25%) of the trust principal must be distributed (or may be withdrawn) by one or more persons who are non-skip persons and who are living on the date of the death of another person identified in the instrument who is more than ten (10) years older than such individual (IRC §2632(c)(3)(B)(ii)).”

Folks, this is hard terrain to navigate. Get it wrong and the Code does not automatically allocate any exemption until … well, who knows when?

Fortunately, the Code does allow you to override the default and hard allocate the exemption. You must remember to do so, of course.

There is another potential problem, and this one is abstruse.

One must be the “transferor” to allocate the exemption.

So what, you say? It makes sense that my neighbor cannot allocate my exemption.

There are ways in trust planning to change the “transferor.”

You want an example?

You set up a dynasty trust for your child and grandchildren. You give your child a testamentary general power of appointment over trust assets.

A general power of appointment means that the child can redirect the assets to anyone he/she wishes.

Here is a question: who is the ultimate transferor of trust assets – you or your child?

It is your child, as he/she has last control.

You create and fund the trust. You file a gift tax return. You hard allocate the skip exemption. You are feeling pretty good about your estate planning.

But you have allocated skip exemption to a trust for which you are not the “transferor.” Your child is the transferor. The allocation fizzles.

Can you imagine being the attorney, CPA, or trustee decades later when your child dies and discovering this? That is a tough day at the office.

I will add one more comment about working in this area: you would be surprised how legal documents and tax returns disappear over the years. People move. Documents are misplaced or inadvertently thrown out. The attorney has long since retired. The law firm itself may no longer exist or has been acquired by another firm. There is a good chance that your present attorney or CPA has no idea how – or if – anything was allocated many years ago. Granted, that is not a concern for average folks who will never approach the $13.6 million threshold for the skip, but it could be a valid concern for someone who hires the attorney or CPA in the first place. Or if Congress dramatically lowers the exemption amount in their relentless chase for the last quarter or dollar rolling free in the economy.

With that, let’s conclude our talk about skipping.