Showing posts with label dispose. Show all posts
Showing posts with label dispose. Show all posts

Saturday, April 29, 2017

When Is A Car Not A Car?

I had a conversation today with someone who wanted to understand the “tax side” of a series of transactions. More specifically, transactions that – to a non-tax person – would appear to have no tax side at all.

It made me think of a tax case I read while grabbing a quick dinner one night during busy season.

          COMMENT: Glamorous life, eh?

Think of your car. In the eyes of the IRS, is it one asset or is it a collection of interdependent systems that – together – form a car but which can be separately depreciated, abandoned, sold or whatnot?

This is easy: it is one asset. You start depreciation on the whole thing and you eventually sell or abandon the whole thing. You are not picking and choosing manifolds from rotors.

Except if ….

It is a race car.

There is a racing team. After each race the team strips down the car, perhaps to the nuts and bolts. They decide as they go though:

(1) Damaged parts
(2) Obsolete parts
a.    There is enough technological change in racing that a part can become obsolete almost overnight.
(3) Stress and wear parts
a.    These are not damaged or obsolete, but the team knows they have very limited life left because of the high stress and wear of racing.
                                                             i.     Some parts can be reused in a race.
                                                           ii.     Some parts cannot be raced again, but would be fine for a show car or pit car.

The team had a question for the IRS: can they deduct some of this stuff when they disassemble the car after every race?

To a tax nerd, the question is whether there has been a “disposition.” That is the trigger that allows one to remove an asset from a depreciation schedule and claim a gain or loss on the tax return – hopefully a loss.

But what does “disposition” mean to a race car?

Turns out that disassembling it after every race is the disposition. The IRS took pains to point out that the same car is never raced twice. Dale Earnhardt Jr races number 88, but you never see the same number 88 twice.

          COMMENT: There is a Zen quality to this.

That makes it easy: if you get rid of a part, you can write-off its remaining cost.

But what if you keep the part?

To phrase it another way: what if you had a disposition but did not, you know, dispose of the part?

Now you have an accounting twist. You value the part at its invoice cost (which is normal) and then adjust down for the amount of useful life already expired. Let’s say you have a $7,500 part, and the team experts say that it has 40% useful life remaining. Well, that part stays on your books at $3,000 ($7,500 times 40%). The other $4,500 gets written-off as a loss.

Heck, you can deduct a loss even if you keep the part!

Rinse and repeat for however many parts make up a race car.

COMMENT: I feel sorry for the person who has to bookkeep for all this.

I wonder if racing aficionados would recognize which racing team the IRS addressed in PLR 201710006.

A PLR is a private letter ruling, meaning that someone presents a situation to the IRS and requests the government position on tax consequences. This is generally done in advance to obtain some certainty to a transaction, especially if there is a lot of money involved.

And PLRs are published. For many years the IRS did not publish them, but there was a famous lawsuit requiring the IRS to do so. There was an issue, however, as the IRS is not allowed to release confidential information. The answer was heavy redaction of any confidential information while drafting the PLR.

Such as the name of the racing team.

Friday, January 2, 2015

If I Had A Pony, I Would Ride It On My (Tug) Boat

If you have a business, and especially if that business has real estate, odds are very good that your tax advisor will talk to you about the “repair regulations” this filing season.

The IRS and taxpayers have spent decades arguing and going to court over whether an expenditure is a repair (and immediately deductible) or a capital improvement (which cannot be deducted immediately but rather must be depreciated over time). Eventually the IRS decided to pull back, review the existing court cases and develop some rhyme or reason for tax practice in this area. They were at it for years and years.

And now we have the “repair regulations.”

I debated whether to write on this topic, as one can leave the pavement and get lost in the weeds very quickly. It is like a romper room for tax nerds. Still, we have to at least discuss the high points.

Let’s set this up. Say that you have a tug boat. The boat is expected to last you approximately 40 years, if you maintain and keep it up. Every 4 or so years, you anchor the tug and give it a good overhaul, replace what needs replacing and rebuild the engine. This is going to cost you well over $100 grand.

Question: is this a repair (hence deductible) or a capital improvement (not immediately deductible but depreciable over time)?

It is not immediately clear. This costs a lot of money, so one’s first response is that it has to be capitalized and depreciated. However, regular use of a tug presumes heavy maintenance of this kind over its life. That sounds more like a repair expense.

The IRS has introduced the concept of a unit of property. We have to base the repair versus capitalization decision on the unit of property. Is the engine the unit of property (UOP) or is it the overall boat?

The main test for UOP is “functional interdependence.” The placing in service of one thing depends on the placing in service of something else.

Well, a tug boat engine without a tug boat to put it in is not of much use to anybody, so we would say that the overall boat is the unit of property.

Progress. Do we now know whether to capitalize or deduct the engine?



We next climb through a fence we will call the “BAR,” which stands for

·        Betterment
·        Adaptation
·        Restoration

If you get stuck on any rung of the “BAR,” you have to capitalize the cost. Sorry.

Let’s have a quick peek at which each term means:

·        Betterment
o   You made the thing larger, stronger, more efficient.
We did not turn the thing into a “monster” tug. Let’s move on.

·        Adaptation
o   You tweaked the thing for a different use or purpose.
Nope. It’s still a tug. Can’t fly it or drive it on a highway.

·        Restoration
o   Returning the thing to a usable condition after you have run it into the ground, either because you neglected it (and it fell apart) or it just got too old.      
Doesn’t sound like it. We are not neglecting the tug in any way, and it still has many years of use left.

This is looking pretty good for our tug.

Let’s go through a few more rules, just in case.

If your CPA prepares audited financial statements for you, the IRS will not challenge your deducting something up to $5,000 as a repair as long as you did the same thing on your financial statements.  
That tug thing costs way more than $5,000. Let’s continue. 
NOTE: BTW, if you do not have an audit, the IRS drops that dollar limit down to $500.
If we are talking about “materials and supplies,” the IRS will not challenge your deducting something as long as it costs $200 or less. Fuel for that tug would be considered “materials and supplies.” 
That tug work blew past $200 like it was standing still. Let’s proceed.
If you capitalize the thing on your books and records, the IRS will not argue that you should have deducted it instead.

            Downright charitable of them. Let’s move on.

If a repair is expected to be done more than once over the life of the UOP, then the IRS will not challenge your deducting it as a repair.

Whoa. We have something here. That boat is expected to last somewhere around four decades. The heavy maintenance has to be done every so many service hours, generally meaning every three or four years. Looks like we can deduct the repairs to our tug.

Let’s dock the tugboat and briefly discuss a building. Perhaps we can see our tug from our building.

The IRS is taking the position that a building is both one unit of property and more than one unit of property.

I do not make this up, folks.

The IRS wants certain systems of a building – like its HVAC or its elevators – to also be considered a separate UOP. Let’s take an example. Let’s say that you are replacing a bunch of windows on that building. You would then evaluate whether it is a repair or an improvement by reference to the building as a whole. This is a good thing, as it would take a lot to “improve” the building as a whole. This makes it more likely that the answer will be a deductible repair.

However, say that you replace an elevator. The IRS says that you have to look at elevators separately from the overall building. We’ll, it does not take much to improve an elevator if you are just comparing it to an elevator. This is a bad thing, as it makes it more likely that the result will be a capital improvement.

BTW there is a separate test if your building costs less than a $1 million when you bought it. The IRS will “spot” you a certain amount before it will challenge whether something is a repair or not. It’s for the smaller landlords, but it is something.

And there you have the highlights of the repair regulations.

Depending on your fact patterns, there may be elections and forms that you have to attach to your tax return. Your tax advisor may even request that you change your underlying bookkeeping – like expensing stuff under $5000/$500 on your general ledger, for example. Some of these will require extra work, and hence additional fees, by and from your advisor.

And there is one more thing.

Let’s go back to the tugboat.

Let’s say that you did the major overhaul four years ago and capitalized the cost. You are now deducting those repairs over time as depreciation. The new rules now allow you to deduct the cost immediately as a repair. Had we only known!

Is it too late for us? Four years back is one more year than the statute of limitations permits, so we cannot go back and amend your return.

The IRS – to their credit – realized the unfairness of this situation, and it will let you go back and apply these new rules to that old tax year. The IRS calls it a “partial disposition,” and you can deduct what’s left of that capitalized tugboat repair on your 2014 tax return. It is called a “Change in Accounting Method” and is yet another multi-page form with your return, but at least you can get the deduction. But only on 2014. Let it slip a year and you can forget about it.

If any of the above rings a bell, please discuss the “repair regulations” with your tax advisor. Seriously, after 2014 you may be stuck. Tax does not have to be fair.

Lyle Lovett - If I Had A Boat